[WSBAPT] Professional Fiduciary in West Sound Area (Attorney-in-Fact)

David Faber david at faberfeinson.com
Wed Jan 24 11:18:54 PST 2018


A client of mine is in need of a professional fiduciary to serve as
attorney-in-fact under a General Durable Power of Attorney. Long story
short, C's daughter is uncomfortable managing C's financial affairs (and C
is nervous about her daughter's abilities to do so effectively), and C will
likely need assistance relatively soon. I am trying to find a professional
fiduciary in the west sound area (preferably in Jefferson, Clallam, Island,
or Kitsap Counties). I have been recommend to contact Elaine Udall (though
I do not have her contact information and cannot find her on Google and am
unsure where she is located, so I would appreciate contact info if any of
you know) and Sara Spieler, who is on Whidbey.

Any other professional fiduciaries you would recommend given my location
criteria and would you please provide me contact information?

David J. Faber
Faber Feinson PLLC
210 Polk Street, Suite 1
Port Townsend, WA 98368
(360) 379-4110

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