[WSBAPT] Original Wills

Melinda Grout mkgroutlaw at gmail.com
Mon Mar 7 09:11:13 PST 2016

Good morning all.

Having assisted in the wrapping up of two practices of attorneys who died, and dealing with original documents of clients who have moved, etc, I have learned that the practice of sending ALL original wills and other documents home with the client serves them best.  The alternative would be filing in the court’s Will Repository.  I always include in my conversation with clients, at the time of execution of the documents, a detailed conversation about where to keep their originals, essentially giving the advice that I have seen many give in this thread.  Also, I cannot count the number of clients who are not able to retrieve originals from prior attorneys because the attorney retired or change firms, etc.   I have also seen unethical attorneys who simply keep the originals as a veiled marketing strategy, since clients then have to to come back to them when in need of updates, probate, etc. 

Just my opinion on the subject after (what I hate to admit are) decades of experience… ;)

Melinda Grout


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