[WSBAPT] Jewelry Appraiser

Chris Moore chrism at cmd-law.com
Fri Feb 20 16:23:59 PST 2015

I have a client in need of a jewelry appraiser for several pieces of “nice”
jewelry included in an estate.  Any recommendations for someone in the
Spokane area?


*Chris J. Moore*
Christopher J. Moore, JD, CPA, AEP®, EPLS*
Creason, Moore, Dokken & Geidl, PLLC
1219 Idaho Street, POB 835
Lewiston, Idaho 83501-0835
Phone: 208-743-1516; Fax: 208-746-2231
Website: www.cmd-law.com

*Certified as an Estate Planning Law Specialist by the Estate Law
Specialist Board, Inc., the only estate planning certification entity
approved by both the American Bar Association and the Idaho State Bar
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