[WSBAPT] coin appraiser in Thurston or Pierce County

Heather Kolbly heather at kolblylaw.com
Mon Feb 2 15:08:51 PST 2015

Hi All,


I have a PR who needs to have a coin collection appraised in Thurston County.  Does anyone know a good appraiser at a reasonable cost in that area (Pierce Co. is ok too).




Heather Kolbly



Heather Tobin Kolbly

Mobile Attorney 


Mail:  704 228th Ave. NE #122, Sammamish, WA  98074

Office:  (425) 522-4234 s Cell:  (425) 444-1888 

 <mailto:Heather at KolblyLaw.com> Heather at KolblyLaw.com

 <http://www.kolblylaw.com/> www.KolblyLaw.com


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