[WSBAPT] MediCal Lien

Mike Winslow mike at winslegal.com
Wed May 28 09:00:37 PDT 2014

Colleague in office has probate in process and asked me to post this
Decedent died in California, but owned no property or assets of any
significance, except for parcel of real estate in Washington. The property
in Washington is owned 50-50 with decedent’s brother as Tenants in Common
Decedent was on MediCal unbeknownst to brother. Probate commenced in
Washington and California MediCal recovery department has submitted a
claim on the estate for reimbursement.
Decedent had no cash. The only way to pay the lien is for brother/PR to
borrow the money against the TIC property. PR could make it difficult for
California to collect their money, so they might have some incentive to
settle for lesser amount.
Query whether anyone has experience negotiating a reduction of the lien
claim on a MediCal reimbursement claim. The amount is $17,000.
Michael A. Winslow
1204 Cleveland Ave.
Mount Vernon, WA 98273
Ph. 360-336-3321
Em. Mike at winslegal.com
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intended recipient, it’s too late to stop reading this message, but you
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