[WSBAPT] LLC owned by Trust

amanda_wilson at olypenlawoffices.com amanda_wilson at olypenlawoffices.com
Tue Aug 5 15:36:06 PDT 2014

My potential clients want to set up an LLC to hold their rental properties
(8 apartments in two buildings here in WA). They also want to set up a
Revocable Living Trust for themselves (husband has health issues and they
have a condo in CA). Their estate is approximately 1.5 million.


They eventually want the LLC to be owned by their son, who will be a
subsequent beneficiary under their trust as well.


I have never set up an LLC to be owned by a Trust. I am not sure I
understand what the benefits are. Could someone tell me the short version
of what the Pros/Cons are?


Amanda Wilson


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