<div dir="ltr"><h1 id="story-heading" itemprop="headline"><font face="georgia,serif" size="2">Trump-ward, Christian Soldiers?</font></h1><div id="story-meta-footer"><p><font face="georgia,serif">AUG. 25, 2015 Frank Bruni The New York Times</font></p></div><div id="story-body"><div><div><div><font face="georgia,serif"></font></div></div></div><div id="Position1" style="display: none;"><div><div><div><p><a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/26/opinion/frank-bruni-trump-ward-christian-soldiers.html?emc=edit_ty_20150826&nl=opinion&nlid=29749741&_r=0#story-continues-1"><font color="#0066cc" face="georgia,serif">Continue reading the main story</font></a></p></div></div></div><div id="byline-sharetools-container"><font face="georgia,serif"> </font><div id="google_ads_iframe_/29390238/NYT/opinion_4__container__" style="border:0pt currentColor"></div></div></div><div id="byline-sharetools-container"><font face="georgia,serif">Let me get this straight. If I want the admiration and blessings of the most flamboyant, judgmental Christians in America, I should marry three times, do a queasy-making amount of sexual boasting, verbally degrade women, talk trash about pretty much everyone else while I’m at it, encourage gamblers to hemorrhage their savings in casinos bearing my name and crow incessantly about how much money I’ve amassed?</font></div><p itemprop="articleBody"><font face="georgia,serif">Seems to work for Donald Trump.</font></p><p itemprop="articleBody"><font face="georgia,serif">Polls show him to be </font><a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/23/us/politics/why-donald-trump-wont-fold-polls-and-people-speak.html"><font color="#0066cc" face="georgia,serif">the preferred candidate</font></a><font face="georgia,serif"> among not just all Republican voters but also the party’s vocal evangelical subset.</font></p><p itemprop="articleBody"><font face="georgia,serif">He’s more beloved than Mike Huckabee, a former evangelical pastor, or Ted Cruz, an evangelical pastor’s son, or Scott Walker, who said during the recent Republican debate: “It’s only by the blood of Jesus Christ that I’ve been redeemed.”</font></p><p itemprop="articleBody"><font face="georgia,serif">When Trump mentions blood, it’s less biblical, as </font><a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/09/us/politics/donald-trump-disinvited-from-conservative-event-over-remark-on-megyn-kelly.html"><font color="#0066cc" face="georgia,serif">Megyn Kelly can well attest</font></a><font face="georgia,serif">.</font><font face="georgia,serif" size="2"> proving, yet again, how selective and incoherent the religiosity of many in the party’s God squad is.</font></p><p itemprop="articleBody"><font face="georgia,serif">Usually the disconnect involves stern moralizing, especially on matters sexual, by showily devout public figures who are then exposed as adulterers or (gasp!) closet homosexuals. I’d list all the names, starting with Josh Duggar and working backward, but my column doesn’t sprawl over an entire page of the newspaper.</font></p><p itemprop="articleBody"><font face="georgia,serif">Or the disconnect is between evangelists’ panegyrics about Christ’s penury and their hustle for funds to support less-than-penurious lifestyles. John Oliver, the host of HBO’s “Last Week Tonight,” has been making brilliant satirical fun of this by </font><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y1xJAVZxXg"><font color="#0066cc" face="georgia,serif">promoting his new tax-exempt church</font></a><font face="georgia,serif">, Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption. Last Sunday he apologized to viewers that his wife, Wanda Jo, “cannot be with us this evening.”</font></p><p itemprop="articleBody"><font face="georgia,serif">“She’s at our summer parsonage in Hawaii,” he continued, “for a week of spiritual introspection and occasional parasailing.”</font></p><div><font face="georgia,serif"></font></div><p id="story-continues-2" itemprop="articleBody"><font face="georgia,serif">What’s different and fascinating about the Trump worship is that he doesn’t even try that hard for a righteous facade — for Potemkin piety. Sure, he speaks of enthusiastic churchgoing, and he’s careful to curse Planned Parenthood and to insist that matrimony be reserved for heterosexuals as demonstrably inept at it as he is.</font></p><p itemprop="articleBody"><font face="georgia,serif">But beyond that? He just about runs the table on the seven deadly sins. He personifies greed, embodies pride, radiates lust. Wrath is covered by his anti-immigrant, anti-“losers” rants, and if we interpret gluttony to include big buildings and not just Big Macs, he’s a glutton through and through. That leaves envy and sloth. I’m betting that he harbors plenty of the former, though I’ll concede that he exhibits none of the latter.</font></p><div><font face="georgia,serif"></font></div><p id="story-continues-3" itemprop="articleBody"><font face="georgia,serif">In 2012, inexplicably, he was invited to Liberty University, where he digressed during his remarks to extol the prudence of prenuptial agreements. But all was forgiven: His host, Jerry Falwell Jr., told audience members that Trump could be credited for “single-handedly” forcing President Obama to release his birth certificate. Oh how they cheered, as if ugly, groundless partisan rumor-mongering were on a saintly par with washing lepers’ feet.</font></p><p id="story-continues-4" itemprop="articleBody"><font face="georgia,serif">Maybe it’s Trump’s jingoism they adore. They venerated Ronald Reagan though he’d divorced, remarried and spent much of his career in the godless clutch of Hollywood.</font></p><div><font face="georgia,serif"></font></div><p id="story-continues-5" itemprop="articleBody"><font face="georgia,serif">Maybe their fealty to Trump is payback for his donations to conservative religious groups.</font></p><p itemprop="articleBody"><font face="georgia,serif">Or maybe his pompadour has mesmerized them. It could, in the right wind, be mistaken for a halo.</font></p><p itemprop="articleBody"><font face="georgia,serif">I’m grasping at straws, because there’s no sense in the fact that many of the people who most frequently espouse the Christian spirit then proceed to vilify immigrants, demonize minorities and line up behind a candidate who’s a one-man master class in such misanthropy.</font></p><p itemprop="articleBody"><font face="georgia,serif">From Trump’s Twitter account gushes an endless stream of un-Christian rudeness, and he was at it again on Monday night, retweeting someone else’s denigration of Kelly as a “bimbo.” Shouldn’t he be turning the other cheek?</font></p><button style="display: none;"><font color="#0066cc">Continue reading the main story</font> <i></i> <span><span>Write A Comment</span> </span></button><font face="georgia,serif"> </font><p id="story-continues-6" itemprop="articleBody"><font face="georgia,serif">For politicians as for voters, devotion and grace can be fickle, convenient things. Courting the evangelical vote, Cruz used his own Twitter account last week to say that his “thoughts and prayers are with President Jimmy Carter,” whose struggle with cancer was riveting the nation. But then Cruz pressed on with a speech that bemoaned the “misery, stagnation and malaise” of Carter’s presidency. He couldn’t have hit pause on the Carter bashing for a week or two?</font></p><p itemprop="articleBody"><font face="georgia,serif">Carter pressed on, too — with his usual weekend routine of teaching Sunday school, which he has long done with little fanfare. His own Christianity is not a bludgeon but a bridge.</font></p><p itemprop="articleBody"><font face="georgia,serif">As for Trump, I must not be watching the same campaign that his evangelical fans are, because I don’t see someone interested in serving God. I see someone interested in <em>being </em>God.</font></p><div id="addendums"><div><font face="georgia,serif"><strong> Correction: August 26, 2015 </strong> <br></font><p><font face="georgia,serif">An earlier version of this column referred imprecisely to Donald Trump’s host at Liberty University in 2012. It was Jerry Falwell Jr. — not his father, Jerry Falwell (who died in 2007).</font></p></div></div></div><div class="gmail_signature"><div dir="ltr"><div><font face="georgia,serif"></font></div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><font face="georgia,serif">A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in. <br><br>-Greek proverb</font></div><div><br><font face="georgia,serif">
“Enlightenment is man’s emergence from his self-imposed immaturity.
Immaturity is the inability to use one’s understanding without guidance
from another. This immaturity is self- imposed when its cause lies not
in lack of understanding, but in lack of resolve and courage to use it
without guidance from another. Sapere Aude! ‘Have courage to use your
own understand-ing!—that is the motto of enlightenment.<br>
--Immanuel Kant<br>