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<span class="" title="2013-05-12T21:00:59+00:00">May 12, 2013, <span>9:00 pm</span></span>
<h3 class="">E Pluribus Me</h3>
<address class="">By <a href="http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/author/timothy-egan/" class="" title="See all posts by TIMOTHY EGAN">TIMOTHY EGAN</a></address>
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<p>Logic, thy name is not Ted Cruz. The very junior senator from Texas
is a well-credentialed windbag, with degrees from Princeton and Harvard
Law, and a stint clerking at the Supreme Court. After a few months in
Congress promoting Ted Cruz, smartest guy in the room, it looks as if he
now wants to be Ted Cruz, extremely obnoxious president. But he keeps
saying things that make no sense.</p><p>There he was, earlier this
month, writing in opposition to a bill that would allow cash-strapped
states to tax Internet sales. It passed by a bipartisan majority in the
Senate, which is like saying Newt Gingrich just climbed Mount Everest.</p><p>“And,
how is it fair for a Texas business to collect taxes to support
California Gov. Jerry Brown’s big spending? Or to underwrite New York
City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s nanny statism or Chicago Mayor Rahm
Emanuel’s anti-Second Amendment agenda?”</p><p>Perhaps it’s not fair,
but neither is it a mandatory requirement of the bill. The Marketplace
Fairness Act would allow consumers to buy local, and keep the taxes
local, should they wish. Isn’t that what Republicans want? I mean,
outside of trying to repeal the 20th century.<br><br>It’s clear that
Senator Cruz can’t stand California, Illinois or New York and all they
represent. Fine. But let’s say the Internet sales-tax bill becomes law,
and Senator Cruz is sitting at home in Houston, doing some online
shopping. While buying the latest weapon accessories, he could support
Texas values and purchase only from Texas-based retailers, thus ensuring
that Texas taxes continue to be spent on their usual things —
everything but regulatory oversight of industrial polluters. Wow:
choice!</p><p>Now, should his wandering shopper’s eye drift toward some
product that comes from one of the evil blue states, he would indeed
have to contribute in a small way to the welfare of non-Texans. This
happens every day, of course, on a huge scale, with the distribution of
federal tax dollars throughout the United States, all 50 of them.</p><p>Just
to take the Cruz argument to its, um, logical end, you should be pretty
upset if you live in New York, California or Illinois right now,
because you keep afloat dozens of Republican states. New Yorkers pay far
more in federal tax dollars than they get back in federal spending.
Between 1990 and 2009, taxpayers in New York State transferred out $950
billion to the rest of the country in federal taxes, according to The
Economist.</p><p>That money went to keep states like Kentucky, Alabama,
West Virginia and Arkansas from further hardship. Still, even though New
Yorkers subsidized the states closest to the political values of Ted
Cruz, you never heard much complaining about how it’s unfair to support
the gun-toting culture of the South, or underwrite its chronic disregard
for the poor, the environment and those without health insurance. For
that matter, “how is it fair” that tax dollars from Rahm Emanuel’s
Chicago are underwriting Lackland Air Force Base in Texas, where dozens
of recruits say they were sexually harassed and raped by their
instructors?</p><p>You pay taxes, but you don’t get to pick and choose
how they are spent. Cruz knows this. He also has to know that Republican
governors like Bob McDonnell of Virginia support the Internet sales-tax
bill, because it will pay for needed transportation projects and allow
the state to forgo a gas-tax hike. The bill is endorsed by the National
Governors Association — where Republicans hold a majority — because the
states lost out on an estimated $26 billion in sales taxes last year
alone.</p><p>The National Retail Federation also favors the Internet
sales-tax bill. To them, it’s a matter of simple fairness. A brick and
mortar store, selling the same product as a Web-based retailer, pays
taxes that the competitor can avoid. “This collective disparity,” the
organization wrote in support of the bill “has tilted the competitive
landscape against local stores, creating a crisis for brick and mortar
retailers around the country.”</p><p>Helping fellow Republicans govern,
or small businesses prosper, is clearly not part of the grand design of
Ted Cruz. His job is to say outrageous things, and hope that enough
people consider him a maverick for his outbursts. But shouldn’t a man
with his self-proclaimed intellectual prowess at least try to be
consistent? You would think that someone born in Calgary, Alberta, to a
father who is an immigrant from Cuba would reach out to the 11 million
illegal immigrants in this country. Instead he put his marker down last
week: under no circumstances would he support a path to citizenship for
those living in the shadows.</p><p>Senator Cruz probably doesn’t mind
the title that’s been hung on him — most hated man in the Senate. I
suspect he also relishes being called a “wacko bird” (John McCain’s
term) because, for now, it’s the avian wing that dominates his party.</p></div>
</div><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Art Deco (Wayne A. Fox)<br><a href="mailto:art.deco.studios@gmail.com" target="_blank">art.deco.studios@gmail.com</a><br><br><img src="http://users.moscow.com/waf/WP%20Fox%2001.jpg"><br>