<div dir="ltr"><div>For a 4:23 min. high school miler to live in Moscow, Idaho is a rarity... Note that this 2013 track season so far has the fastest 1600 meters (close to a mile) Idaho high school time at 4:16 min. by Elijah Armstrong in Pocatello, according to this source, if I read this information correctly:<br>
<a href="http://www.athletic.net/TrackAndField/Idaho/">http://www.athletic.net/TrackAndField/Idaho/</a><br><br>--------------------------------------------<br><br><a href="http://dnews.com/sports/article_680d96a4-7887-51b7-afb5-82b2d3abe34a.html">http://dnews.com/sports/article_680d96a4-7887-51b7-afb5-82b2d3abe34a.html</a><br>
<br>Posted: <span class="" title="2013-04-29T01:00:00-07:00">Monday, April 29, 2013 1:00 am</span>
<span class="" title="2013-04-29T02:20:41-07:00">
Updated: 9:20 am, Mon Apr 29, 2013.
<p class="">
<span class=""><span class="">By Tom Hager, Daily News <br></span></span></p>Even without star runner Paul Ryan, the Logos distance team had
no problem showing up the competition at the Troy Invitational, held at
the University of Idaho.<span class="">
<span class="">
<p>Ryan, who owns a 4:23 mile time, was unavailable while still
recovering from a minor injury. But in his place was Brian Stanton, a
senior who led the entire race in the 1600-meter. His time of 4:52 was
far off his personal record of 4:34, but it was good enough to take
first place in the event.</p>
</span>------------------------------------------<br></div>Vision2020 Post: Ted Moffett<br></div>