<p class="sub"><strong>Those socialist tree hugging tax and spend big gov'mint environmentalist one worlder's are at it again, with global warming hoax scare tactics as a pretense for gov'mint harassment and regulation of the free market system, while undermining our national sovereignty with UN IPCC plots to force global CO2 emissions reduction regulation...</strong></p>
<p class="sub"><strong>Don't be fooled!</strong><br><strong></strong></p><p class="sub"><strong>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br></strong></p><p class="sub"><strong><a href="http://www.wildlifeadaptationstrategy.gov/faqs.php">http://www.wildlifeadaptationstrategy.gov/faqs.php</a><br>
</strong></p><p class="sub"><strong>Why do we need the Strategy?</strong></p>
<p class="sub">The nation’s species and habitats are already showing
changes consistent with a warming climate, such as changes in abundance,
distribution and timing of reproduction. These and other impacts (e.g.,
spread of invasive species, diseases) are expected to increase with
continued changes in climate, with serious consequences for the many
U.S. communities and economies that depend on natural systems. Taking
action now can help reduce the vulnerability of natural systems and
assist public and private decision makers from many different sectors in
enhancing the sustainability of fish, wildlife and plants in a changing
climate.</p><p class="sub">------------------------------------------</p><p class="sub">Vision2020 Post: Ted Moffett<br></p>