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<div class="">February 24, 2013</div>
<h1>A Costly and Unjust Perk for Financiers</h1>
<h6 class="">By
<span><span>LYNN FORESTER de ROTHSCHILD</span></span></h6>
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OF the many injustices that permeate America’s byzantine tax code, few
are as outrageous as the tax rate on “carried interest” — the profits
made by private equity and hedge fund managers, as well as venture
capitalists and partners in real estate investment trusts. This huge tax
benefit enriches an already privileged sliver of financiers and
violates basic standards of fairness and common sense. </p>
President Obama recently suggested that he would ask Congress to close
this loophole. Eliminating the carried-interest tax rate should be an
easy sell. It should play to Republicans’ supposed hatred of government
handouts and to Democrats’ commitment to social justice. </p>
But because of the financial lobby’s clout, the loophole most likely
won’t be closed. If it isn’t, shame on both parties for giving us
another reason to distrust our democracy and our capitalist system.
While the tax legislation passed on Jan. 1 increased the top
individual-income tax rate to 39.6 percent from 35 percent for couples
making more than $450,000 and individuals making more than $400,000, it
left carried-interest income taxed at just 20 percent. </p>
Carried interest is taxed at ordinary capital-gains rates, rather than
at the significantly higher ordinary income-tax rates that apply to the
wealthiest Americans. The issue came up last year, because Mitt Romney,
the Republican presidential nominee, had made much of his fortune
through private equity. </p>
This special tax treatment for carried interest protects the general
partners of private equity, venture capital, real estate, hedge funds
and other investment vehicles organized as limited partnerships. (The
investment-holding company I run does not receive carried-interest
income.) </p>
Millions of general partners in investment funds receive
carried-interest income when they earn profits for their clients. Since
these partners do not have to risk any of their own capital, carried
interest is really a taxpayer-subsidized fee for managing their clients’
money — often 20 percent of the profits generated in the fund, and
sometimes significantly more than that. </p>
No other affluent Americans enjoy this benefit. A brain surgeon,
stockbroker, corporate lawyer or actor will have to pay the new top
marginal rate percent, while a general partner who manages other
people’s money pays, on carried-interest income, only the 20 percent
rate on long-term capital gains. </p>
This discrepancy dates from 1922, when the top ordinary-income tax rate
was 58 percent and capital gains were taxed at 12.5 percent — a big
change from the years 1918 to 1921, when both kinds of income were
taxed, in the top bracket, at 77 percent. But the amount of lost
government revenue has widened significantly since 2000 as a result of
the growth of nontraditional finance. </p>
Although the industry keeps a close lid on the total amounts, experts
have estimated that there are more than 1,400 private equity and venture
capital funds, which collectively manage more than $1 trillion in
limited-partnership equity investments and earn an average of $18
billion a year on them that is taxed as carried interest. There are also
8,000 or 9,000 hedge funds managing about the same amount of these
investments generating another $18 billion in carried-interest income.
And let’s not forget the 1.2 million real estate partnerships, with more
than $1.3 trillion in limited-partnership investments, which yield a
further $20 billion each year in such income. The difference in revenue
to the United States government when this combined income is taxed at 20
percent rather than at 39.6 percent is about $11 billion annually.
Indeed, the Real Estate Roundtable, a leading industry lobbying group,
puts the estimate even higher, at $13 billion — $5 billion in real
estate alone. </p>
The first legislative effort to treat carried interest like ordinary
income was a bill submitted by Representative Sander M. Levin, Democrat
of Michigan, in 2007. Annual spending by the private equity, hedge fund
and real estate industry lobbies exploded in that year. Predictably, the
legislation has been shelved or voted down repeatedly ever since.
Although Mr. Obama paid lip service to the removal of the preferential
treatment for carried interest during both of his presidential
campaigns, he has yet to achieve it. </p>
This state of affairs denies our Treasury much-needed revenue; fuels
public cynicism in government; and is evidence of the “crony capitalism”
that favors some economic sectors over others. When plutocrats join
with both parties to protect their own vested interests, the result is a
corrosion of confidence in the free-market system. </p>
The carried-interest loophole may seem small compared with this year’s
projected $900 billion deficit, but ending it would be a major signal
that Washington is ready to put an end to business as usual. </p>
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<p> <a href="http://www.elrothschild.com/management-team">Lynn Forester de Rothschild</a> is the chief executive of <a href="http://www.elrothschild.com/">E. L. Rothschild</a>, a family-owned investment holding company. </p>
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