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<h6 class="kicker">Editorial</h6>
<h1 class="articleHeadline">The ‘Perversion Files’ Come to Light</h1>
<h6 class="dateline">Published: October 19, 2012 </h6>
<div class="articleBody">
The Boy Scouts of America has known for nearly a century that scout
leaders were preying on boys under the its protection. Yet for most of
those long years, it kept what it knew about scout leaders who were
sexual predators locked away in secret “perversion files.” </p>
</div>The Scouts’ excuse was that the files, compiled at least since the
1920s, were a system of internal controls, to ensure that known abusers
could not rejoin scouting. No doubt this helped to protect many boys,
but in many other instances the system failed, and it kept failing. The
Scouts had no right to protect these criminals from the police, from
parents and even from many troop leaders. They serve as yet another
example of the disaster of institutional secrecy, of the danger when
officials decide that an organization deserves protecting more than a
child. <p>
Now a light is finally being shined on the Boy Scouts’ failure — not
because the institution had a change of heart, but because of orders
from judges. In the latest case, in Portland, Ore., a law firm that won
an $18.5 million civil judgment in an abuse case fought all the way to
the Oregon Supreme Court to make public the “perversion files,” also
known as the “ineligible volunteer” files. </p><p>
It posted a cache of them <a title=""Perversion Files," 1965-1985" href="http://www.kellyclarkattorney.com/">online</a>
on Thursday. The files cover the period from 1965 to 1985, more than
15,000 pages detailing accusations against 1,247 scout leaders. In a
separate case dating to the 1980s, a Sacramento lawyer persuaded a judge
to order the release of another trove of files; an index of those
cases, involving nearly 1,900 accused abusers from 1971 to 1991, was
shared with The Los Angeles Times last year and has also been posted <a title=""Perversion Files," 1971-1991" href="http://kosnoff.com/">online</a>. </p><p>
Some of the records seem to show scouting officials trying to rid
themselves of abusers. But others, as Kirk Johnson of The Times reported
on Friday, betray secretiveness and negligence. “I would like to let
this case drop,” one executive said. “My personal opinion in this
particular case is, ‘If it don’t stink, don’t stir it.’” Still others
show that the “ineligible volunteer” file system could be ineffective,
if not useless. In 1981, a Colorado man who had three sons in scouting
warned that a scoutmaster named Joe, who had abused his sons and others,
had re-emerged at a Boy Scout jamboree. “Your assurances that Joe was
out of scouting and would have no further contact with scouting have
just become meaningless,” he wrote. </p><p>
The Boy Scouts say they have adopted many strong reforms and are now a
model for effectiveness in protecting children, which may be true. But
for that, parents and scouts can thank the courage of victims and the
persistence of lawyers and journalists, not the goodwill of an
organization that minimized the problem and fought tenaciously for
decades to keep its secrets hidden. </p><p>
The files are surely the tip of an iceberg, says <a href="http://www.kellyclarkattorney.com/category/blog/">Gilion Dumas</a>,
a lawyer with the firm that posted the Oregon files, because the Boy
Scouts kept no records on how many files were created or lost and
because many cases were never reported, since most families, troops and
sponsoring organizations had no idea the files existed, or how to use
them. </p><p>
<span style="color:rgb(255,0,0)"><font size="4"><b>For an organization that extols trustworthiness, these files lay bare an
appalling dissonance. The Boy Scouts battled to the Supreme Court to
protect their right to purge gay and lesbian leaders and to exclude gay
boys, insisting that openly gay people were bad role models. It bent to
bigotry while hiding sexual predators. </b></font></span></p><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Art Deco (Wayne A. Fox)<br><a href="mailto:art.deco.studios@gmail.com" target="_blank">art.deco.studios@gmail.com</a><br><br>
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