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<div class="timestamp">September 12, 2012</div>
<h1>Harvesting a Climate Disaster</h1>
<h6 class="byline">By
<span><span>MARK HERTSGAARD</span></span></h6>
<div id="articleBody">
San Francisco </p>
FARMERS went to Washington yesterday. Members of a coalition
representing more than 80 agricultural organizations rallied on Capitol
Hill to demand passage of a new <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2012/09/11/us/politics/11reuters-usa-agriculture.html?ref=farmbillus">farm bill</a> that has been stalled in Congress. </p>
The Democratic-led Senate has already passed its version of the bill;
the Republican-controlled House is squabbling over a competing approach
(one that sharply cuts food aid to the poor). Irate farmers want both
sides to shut up and pass something that can replace the current farm
bill, which expires on Sept. 30. </p>
All of the parties, though, are focused on the wrong thing. </p>
The farm bill is not only the centerpiece of United States food and
agriculture policy, it is also a de facto climate bill. And in this
respect, both the Senate and House versions of the legislation are a
disaster waiting to happen. </p>
Consider, for a moment, the summer of 2012. For an agricultural
superpower like the United States, it should have set off alarm bells.
The <a href="http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/">hottest July</a> on record
and the worst drought in 50 years — both driven partly by global
warming, scientists say — have parched soil and withered crops across
the Farm Belt. Yet America’s lawmakers aren’t even remotely addressing
the issue in a piece of legislation that will affect the climate
profoundly for years to come. </p>
The proposed farm bill — Senate- or House-style, take your pick — would
make American agriculture’s climate problem worse, in two ways. Not only
would the bill accelerate global warming by encouraging more greenhouse
gas emissions, it would make the nation’s farms more vulnerable to the
impacts of those emissions. </p>
Indeed, instead of helping farmers take common-sense measures to limit
their land’s vulnerability to extreme weather, the legislation would
simply spend billions more on crop insurance — sticking taxpayers with
the bill. “It’s like giving a homeowner cut-rate fire insurance but not
requiring fire extinguishers,” Jim Kleinschmit of the Institute for
Agriculture and Trade Policy told me in an interview. </p>
Except in a technical aside, neither the bill passed by the Senate or by
the House Committee on Agriculture even mentions climate change.
Coal and cars are blamed, but agriculture is also a major contributor to
global warming: by some estimates, it accounts for roughly a third of
emissions globally. The industrialized, meat-heavy food system of the
United States takes a heavy toll on the atmosphere; it takes an enormous
amount of fossil fuel to run farm equipment and harvest the mountains
of corn that fatten livestock. And most fertilizers contain nitrous
oxide, a greenhouse gas 298 times more potent than carbon dioxide over a
century. </p>
Both of the farm bill proposals would maintain agriculture’s large
climate footprint, mainly by continuing to skew subsidies toward a mere
handful of commodity crops. The “big five” — wheat, rice, soybeans,
cotton and above all corn — have received 84 percent of subsidies since
2004, according to the Environmental Working Group, an advocacy group
critical of the practice. Subsidies increase with output, encouraging
farmers to run highly mechanized operations that plant “fence row to
fence row” and apply oceans of fertilizer and pesticide, all of which
boost emissions. </p>
But industrial agriculture’s ability to produce gargantuan amounts of
food also makes it exceptionally susceptible to climate change. Relying
on vast monocultures — the miles and miles of cornfields one passes when
driving in Iowa — captures economies of scale. But that lack of
diversity invites trouble. A monoculture’s uniformity means that if
temperatures spike or a new pest arrives, the damage is likely to spread
throughout the entire planted area. By contrast, the diversified
landscapes of organic agriculture — corn planted between, say, other
vegetables and chicken pens — tend to limit damage. </p>
Farmers can best boost resilience to climate change, scientists say, by
improving their soil’s fertility and capacity to retain moisture. That
means cutting back on chemical fertilizers, which kill many of the
microorganisms that ventilate soil, and shifting to compost and manure
fertilizers and crop rotations. </p>
Instead, leading lobbyists for agribusiness want to retain the current
production system but shift the mounting climate risks to the taxpayer.
Both versions of the farm bill would expand the $11 billion crop
insurance program, a move championed by the <a href="http://www.ncga.com/issue-briefs/7-farm-policy">National Corn Growers Association</a>. The Senate bill, for instance, would authorize $3.8 billion a year for additional insurance. </p>
But neither version would require farmers to take other measures to
reduce their climate vulnerability, like investing in healthier soil. In
fact, the draft bills would actually make it harder for farmers to do
that because the expanded crop insurance would be paid for by cutting
the Conservation Stewardship Program, which helps farmers improve their
land’s ecological health. </p>
Shifting federal policy from a longstanding emphasis on industrial agriculture to more <a href="http://www.agassessment.org/">organic approaches</a>
is too large a task to complete by Sept. 30. But Congress could pass a
one-year extension of the old bill and direct the Department of
Agriculture to use the extra time to develop, with farmers and other
stakeholders, a plan to segue to climate-smart agriculture as soon as
possible. As the summer of 2012 has reminded us, this agricultural
superpower has already waited too long to take climate change seriously.
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<p> <a href="http://markhertsgaard.com/">Mark Hertsgaard</a>, a fellow of the New America Foundation, is the author, most recently, of “Hot: Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth.” </p> </div>
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