<h1>Zimdars: In America, Constitution should trump sacred texts</h1>
<h3><span class="story-authors">By <a href="http://onlineathens.com/authors/richard-zimdars">Richard Zimdars</a></span><span class="story-timestamp">published Tuesday, September 11, 2012 (<i>Athens Banner-Herald</i>)<br>
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</p><p>Playing the religious card in American politics is nothing new.
In the early 1950s, Sen. Joe McCarthy, R-Wis., labeled his opponents as
godless communists. After McCarthy’s fall, the card remained fairly
inconspicuous in the deck until the 1980 campaign, resulting in
President Reagan’s election.</p>
<p>The triumvirate of collegiate Young Republicans officers back then —
lobbyists Jack Abramoff and Ralph Reed, and anti-tax fanatic Grover
Norquist — worked for Reagan. Reed, a University of Georgia graduate,
went on to found the Christian Coalition, and no one has doubted Reed’s
effectiveness at mobilizing conservative Christian voters against
Democrats by emphasizing social wedge issues.</p>
<p>Attacks on Democrats by conservative Christians continue to this day.
Witness the July news release from the Christian group Operation Save
America: “The Democratic National (DNC) Committee is tolerant of all
religions except one – Christianity! Why? The DNC hates the God of the
Bible ... Hatred toward the God of the Bible (Jesus) is the great
unifier of abortion, homosexuality, and Islam. Hatred toward God and the
nation He made great — America — is the platform of the DNC.”</p>
<p>At the recent Under God Indivisible conference, televangelist Kenneth
Copeland claimed (but did not prove) the devil is destroying America
with socialism and that Christians must “rise up and overcome” the
devil. Minister James Robison stated (but did not prove) that Hollywood
and the TV show “Glee” are tools of “the enemy” used to bring America
down. And Rabbi Aryeh Spero alleged (but did not prove) that the fight
against President Obama parallels the Prophet Elijah’s battle against
King Ahab’s “leftist paganism.” </p>
<p>Ralph Reed, who believes Obama is anti-religion, was there, too,
prophesying that if Christians repent for the mess they have made of
the United States, God will have mercy in November. Reed’s new lobbying
organization, Faith and Freedom, collaborates with United in Purpose,
run by Bill Dallas, previously locked up for embezzlement. Dallas
formerly ran the Church Communication Network.</p>
<p>Association with convicted criminals is fairly consistent in Reed’s
career. Enron hired him as a lobbyist to provide advice on electricity
deregulation, for which he had no expertise. In 1997, Reed’s
Atlanta-based Century Strategies received $200,000 from the corrupt
energy corporation. In 2000, $75,000 came in, and by 2001, it was
$30,000 monthly, plus expenses. Enron’s visionary corporate practices
included inflating its stock values and robbing employee retirement
plans. </p>
<p>Seeking other consulting work, Reed turned to Abramoff, whose
connections led to the famous lobbying scandal involving millions of
dollars related to Indian gambling casinos. For this and other
activities, Abramoff ended up in prison.</p>
<p>In March 2012, Reed reunited with Tom DeLay, former Republican House
majority leader, at a meeting of Reed’s Faith and Freedom outfit. DeLay,
convicted in the Abramoff scandal, was out on bail.</p>
<p>The deeds of public disservice of Ralph Reed and other religious
lobbyists are a matter of record. They successfully foment divisions
along religious lines that result in Democrats being called foot
soldiers of the devil. No wonder Michael Reagan, son of the former
president, recently wrote a desperate commentary asking fellow
Republicans to shut up about the social issues that provide the main
reasons for the majority of its base to be Republicans (Column,
“Republicans should stay away from social issues,” Sept. 3).</p>
<p>Knowledge of European religious persecution and war led our Founding
Fathers to form a constitutional framework designed to avoid religious
conflict. Religion was viewed as a private thing, an area where the
government had no business. You are free to believe your sacred text and
to decide it is the basis for your belief system. </p>
<p>The most valuable text for Americans is the Constitution, because it
allows us to believe our own sacred text in the context of our private
life. But whatever it may be, your sacred text’s power stops where it
tries to overrule your fellow citizens’ rights under the Constitution.
You may not limit the civic elbow room of fellow citizens who don’t hold
your text as their sacred text. </p>
<p>• Richard Zimdars is a professor of music at the University of
Georgia and a regular contributor to the Athens Banner-Herald’s
editorial page.</p>
</div><br><br><a href="http://onlineathens.com/opinion/2012-09-11/zimdars-america-constitution-should-trump-sacred-texts">http://onlineathens.com/opinion/2012-09-11/zimdars-america-constitution-should-trump-sacred-texts</a><br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>Art Deco (Wayne A. Fox)<br><a href="mailto:art.deco.studios@gmail.com" target="_blank">art.deco.studios@gmail.com</a><br><br><img src="http://users.moscow.com/waf/WP%20Fox%2001.jpg"><br><br>