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<div class="ad"> </div></div><div id="campaignstops"><div align="left"><span class="timestamp published" title="2012-08-01T22:01:31+00:00">August 1, 2012, <span>10:01 pm</span></span><h3 class="entry-title">Voter Suppression and Political Polls</h3>
<address class="byline author vcard">By <a href="http://campaignstops.blogs.nytimes.com/author/charles-m-blow/" class="url fn" title="See all posts by CHARLES M. BLOW">CHARLES M. BLOW</a></address><div class="entry-content">
are the best way to find out who plans to vote and for whom they plan
to vote. But polls are imperfect. They ask questions of a sampling of
people - often about a thousand - and use those answers to draw
conclusions about the public at large.</p><p>This year there is a new
wrinkle, one that complicates the picture and could throw some of the
polling off: the effects of newly enacted restrictive voting laws.</p><p>Take,
for instance, the results of a New York Times/CBS News/Quinnipiac poll
released Wednesday. "Likely voters" were polled in the swing states of
Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, and President Obama led Mitt Romney in
each state - by 6 points in Ohio and Florida and by 11 points in
Pennsylvania. President Obama carried all three states in the last
election and needs them in this one. Encouraging for him, right?</p><p>But let's dig in a bit and look at some of the variables that could weigh on those results.</p><p>First,
there are the quirks that always exist. It's August and many voters
aren't intensely focused on the election yet. Sixty percent or less in
each state say that they are paying a lot of attention to the
presidential campaign at this point, and these are states that have been
soaked in ads and visited often by the candidates. (On Wednesday, Obama
made his <a href="http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-ohio-obama-20120801,0,840537.story">25th trip to Ohio</a> since becoming president.)</p><p>People
also tend to overstate their intention to vote. Many national and state
polls show that more than three quarters of respondents say they will
definitely vote in upcoming presidential elections. This is a major
component of the way pollsters determine "likely voters." But that level
of voting is not supported by <a href="http://elections.gmu.edu/voter_turnout.htm">historical patterns</a>. According to the <a href="http://elections.gmu.edu/Turnout_2008G.html">United States Elections Project</a>,
the turnout rate for the voting-eligible population in Florida in 2008
was just 67 percent, in Ohio it was 68 percent and in Pennsylvania it
was 64 percent. So many of those who say that they are definitely going
to vote actually won't.</p><p>Then there are the new voter restrictions that are likely to trim the voter rolls and add tremendous voter confusion.</p><p>Pennsylvania
has passed a highly restrictive photo ID requirement for its voters. A
study conducted by professors from the University of Washington and the
University of New Mexico found that more than a million registered
voters in Pennsylvania and 757,325 people who voted in 2008 lack a valid
ID under this scheme. More than a third of registered voters are
unaware that a photo ID law even exists.</p><p>This means that a lot of
people who say that they are likely to vote may not actually be eligible
to vote. (Arguments in a suit contesting the Pennsylvania law are being
heard this week .)</p><p>Now to Florida and Ohio: both states have cut
their early voting periods. According to the Brennan Center for Justice,
more than a million people who voted in Florida and Ohio in 2008 did so
on days that have been eliminated.</p><p>As <a href="http://news.yahoo.com/obama-campaign-sues-over-ohio-early-voting-law-200723120.html">the Associated Press reported</a> about the Ohio restriction in July:</p><blockquote>
state doesn't track its early voters by party, so the stats don't show
exactly how much Obama might have benefited from early voting in Ohio.
But both parties are sure he did. An extended voting period is perceived
as benefiting Democrats because it increases voting opportunities for
those harder to reach for an Election Day turnout - Hispanics, blacks,
new citizens and poor people.</p></blockquote><p>Florida has already moved to potentially <a href="http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/13/florida-voter-purge/index.html">purge thousands</a> of voters from its registration rolls. In May, The Miami Herald said of the purge:</p>
Democratic and independent-minded voters are the most likely to be
targeted in a state hunt to remove thousands of noncitizens from
Florida's voting rolls, a Miami Herald computer analysis of elections
records has found. Whites and Republicans are disproportionately the
least-likely to face the threat of removal, the analysis of a list of
more than 2,600 potential noncitizens shows.</p></blockquote><p>The Republican governor of Florida has also made it harder for ex-felons to vote. According to <a href="http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/story/2012-07-10/felon-voting-rights/56137692/1">a report last month in USA Today</a>:</p>
<blockquote><p>The Florida Board of Executive Clemency, headed by Republican Gov. <a href="http://content.usatoday.com/topics/topic/Rick+Scott">Rick Scott</a>, reversed predecessor Republican Gov. <a href="http://content.usatoday.com/topics/topic/People/Politicians,+Government+Officials,+Strategists/Governors,+Mayors/Charlie+Crist">Charlie Crist</a>'s
policy that automatically restored voting rights to non-violent
offenders upon the completion of their sentences. Ex-felons must now
wait five years before applying to regain rights.</p></blockquote><p>The
newspaper pointed out that "the Sentencing Project, a group advocating
reforms in prison and sentencing policy, says 60% of the prison system
population is made up of African Americans and Latinos." It almost goes
without saying that these groups traditionally vote more Democratic.</p><p>Rolling Stone <a href="http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/national-affairs/florida-gop-takes-voter-supression-to-a-brazen-new-extreme-20120530">reported in May</a> that this could disenfranchise "100,000 previously eligible ex-felons" in Florida.</p>
unclear how many voters are aware of the new rules, and whether they'd
be able to vote even if they were. What is clear is that fewer Democrats
say that they are paying a lot of attention to the election in these
three states than Republicans, by a margin of 8 to 14 percentage points.
It would stand to reason that they might also be less aware of the new
laws.</p><p>This year, we may have to take the polls with an even larger
grain of salt than usual. The greatest margin of uncertainty may well
be caused by poll respondents who <em>think</em> that they will able to vote for President Obama in November, but may not be allowed to do so.</p><p>And it's all thanks to the <a href="http://campaignstops.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/08/01/voter-suppression-and-political-polls/?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=edit_th_20120802&pagewanted=print">Great Suppression </a>of 2012.</p>
</div></div></div><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Art Deco (Wayne A. Fox)<br><a href="mailto:art.deco.studios@gmail.com" target="_blank">art.deco.studios@gmail.com</a><br><br><img src="http://users.moscow.com/waf/WP%20Fox%2001.jpg"><br>