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<div class="timestamp">July 16, 2012</div>
<h1>The Power of Anonymity</h1>
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Two years ago, Congress came within a single Republican vote in the
Senate of following the Supreme Court’s advice to require broad
disclosure of campaign finance donors. The justices wanted voters to be
able to decide for themselves “whether elected officials are ‘in the
pocket’ of so-called moneyed interests.” </p>
The court advised such disclosure in its otherwise disastrous Citizens
United decision in 2010, which loosed a new wave of unlimited spending
on political campaigns. The decision’s anticorruption prescription has
grown even more compelling as hundreds of millions of dollars in
disguise have flooded the 2012 campaigns — a great deal of it washed
through organizations that are set up for the particular purpose of
hiding the names of the writers of enormous checks. </p>
The ability to follow the money has never been this important since the
bagman days of the Watergate scandal. But when the Democratic Senate
majority <a title="A Washington Post article" href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/2chambers/post/disclose-act-new-donor-transparency-law-blocked-in-senate/2012/07/16/gJQAbm7WpW_blog.html">made a fresh attempt to enact a disclosure bill on Monday</a>, the measure was immediately filibustered to death by Republicans, like other versions. </p>
Still, the vote was a chance for the public to see who stands for and
against such basic transparency in political spending. The answer: not
one Republican showed the courage to break ranks and speak up for
disclosure. </p>
Republicans have been the main beneficiaries of corporate and
independent spending sprees. The party’s lock-step opposition to letting
voters see who writes the big checks is an embarrassment to Congress.
Opponents are crying that disclosure violates donors’ privacy and favors
unions. This is election-year nonsense to give cover to the
aggressively partisan groups that pose as “social welfare” organizations
but tip the campaign scales heavily with stealth financing. </p>
The Senate measure would require corporations, unions and any other
organization paying for election-cycle messages to disclose expenditures
of $10,000 or more within 24 hours and identify donors writing checks
of $10,000 or more. It would further require reporting of third-party
money transfers, a shadow device to hide contributors. </p>
The measure’s chief sponsor, Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, has
tried to win Republican support by eliminating a provision requiring
that the top five donors be identified at the end of election
commercials. </p>
But Republicans turned their backs, including John McCain, once the
great champion of campaign finance reform who has been predicting that
“huge scandals” will inevitably flow from Citizens United. </p>
Voters concerned about the big-money distortion of politics now know precisely who put the issue quietly to bed. </p>
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<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Art Deco (Wayne A. Fox)<br><a href="mailto:art.deco.studios@gmail.com" target="_blank">art.deco.studios@gmail.com</a><br><br><img src="http://users.moscow.com/waf/WP%20Fox%2001.jpg"><br><br>