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<div class="timestamp">July 7, 2012</div>
<h1>Groups Shield Political Gifts of Businesses</h1>
<span><h6 class="byline">By <a rel="author" href="http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/m/mike_mcintire/index.html" title="More Articles by MIKE McINTIRE" class="meta-per">MIKE McINTIRE</a> and <a rel="author" href="http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/c/nicholas_confessore/index.html" title="More Articles by NICHOLAS CONFESSORE" class="meta-per">NICHOLAS CONFESSORE</a></h6>
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American Electric Power, one of the country’s largest utilities, gave $1
million last November to the Founding Fund, a new tax-exempt group that
intends to raise most of its money from corporations and push for
limited government. </p>
The giant insurer Aetna directed more than $3 million last year to the <a title="Group Web site" href="http://americanactionnetwork.org/">American Action Network</a>,
a Republican-leaning nonprofit organization that has spent millions of
dollars attacking lawmakers who voted for President Obama’s health care
bill — even as Aetna’s president publicly voiced support for the
legislation. </p>
Other corporations, including Prudential Financial, Dow Chemical and the
drugmaker Merck, have poured millions of dollars more into the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce, a tax-exempt trade group that has pledged to spend
at least $50 million on political advertising this election cycle.
Two years after the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision opened the
door for corporate spending on elections, relatively little money has
flowed from company treasuries into “<a href="http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/c/campaign_finance/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier" title="More articles about Super PACs." class="meta-classifier">super PACs</a>,”
which can accept unlimited contributions but must also disclose donors.
Instead, there is growing evidence that large corporations are trying
to influence campaigns by donating money to tax-exempt organizations
that can spend millions of dollars without being subject to the
disclosure requirements that apply to candidates, parties and PACs.
The secrecy shrouding these groups makes a full accounting of corporate
influence on the electoral process impossible. But glimpses of their
donors emerged in a New York Times review of corporate governance
reports, tax returns of nonprofit organizations and regulatory filings
by insurers and labor unions. </p>
The review found that corporate donations — many of them previously
unreported — went to groups large and small, dedicated to shaping public
policy on the state and national levels. From a redistricting fight in
Minnesota to the sprawling battleground of the 2012 presidential and
Congressional elections, corporations are opening their wallets and
altering the political world. </p>
Some of the biggest recipients of corporate money are organized under
Section 501(c)(4) of the tax code, the federal designation for “social
welfare” groups dedicated to advancing broad community interests.
Because they are not technically political organizations, they do not
have to register with or disclose their donors to the Federal Election
Commission, potentially shielding corporate contributors from
shareholders or others unhappy with their political positions. </p>
“Companies want to be able to quietly push for their political agendas
without being held accountable for it by their customers,” said Melanie
Sloan, executive director of <a title="Organization Web site" href="http://www.citizensforethics.org/">Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington</a>,
which has filed complaints against issue groups. “I think the
501(c)(4)’s are likely to outweigh super PAC spending, because so many
donors want to remain anonymous.” </p>
Because social welfare groups are prohibited from devoting themselves
primarily to political activity, many spend the bulk of their money on
issue advertisements that purport to be educational, not political, in
nature. In May, for example, <a title="Crossroads Web site" href="http://www.crossroadsgps.org/">Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies</a>,
a group co-founded by the Republican strategist Karl Rove, began a $25
million advertising campaign, carefully shaped with focus groups of
undecided voters, that attacks Mr. Obama for increasing the federal
deficit and urges him to cut spending. </p>
The Internal Revenue Service has no clear test for determining what
constitutes excessive political activity by a social welfare group. And
tax-exempt groups are permitted to begin raising and spending money even
before the I.R.S. formally recognizes them. Two years after helping
Republicans win control of the House with millions of dollars in issue
advertising, Crossroads GPS’s application for tax-exempt status is still
pending. </p>
During the 2010 midterm elections, tax-exempt groups outspent super PACs by a 3-to-2 margin, according to a recent study by the <a href="http://www.opensecrets.org/">Center for Responsive Politics</a> and the <a title="Center Web site" href="http://www.iwatchnews.org/">Center for Public Integrity</a>,
with most of that money devoted to attacking Democrats or defending
Republicans. And such groups have accounted for two-thirds of the
political advertising bought by the biggest outside spenders so far in
the 2012 election cycle, according to Kantar Media’s <a title="CMAG Web site" href="http://kantarmediana.com/cmag">Campaign Media Analysis Group</a>, with close to $100 million in issue ads. </p>
The growing role of issue groups has prompted a rash of complaints and
lawsuits from watchdog organizations accusing groups like the American
Action Network, Crossroads and the pro-Obama <a title="Priorities USA Web site" href="http://www.prioritiesusa.org/">Priorities USA</a>
of operating as sham charities whose primary purpose is not the
promotion of social welfare, but winning elections. Efforts in Congress
to force more disclosure for politically active nonprofit organizations
have been repeatedly stymied by Republicans, who have described the push
as an assault on free speech. </p>
“These groups are being used as a conduit to hide from voters the
identity of people and corporations who are bankrolling these television
ads, which are designed to influence the outcome of elections,” said
Representative Chris Van Hollen, Democrat of Maryland. </p>
But Jonathan Collegio, a spokesman for Crossroads, said, “Individuals
and organizations have a First Amendment right to promote their beliefs
through advertising, be that advertising against the Iraq war, against <a href="http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/science/topics/globalwarming/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier" title="Recent and archival news about global warming." class="meta-classifier">climate change</a> or, in the case of Crossroads, advocating for free markets and limited government.” </p>
Labor unions — themselves among the beneficiaries of Citizens United —
have also donated millions of dollars to national super PACs and
state-level nonprofit groups involved in battles over government
spending, collective bargaining and health care. </p>
Donations from corporations and unions alike must be disclosed if they go to expressly political groups like super PACs. </p>
In April, for example, the air traffic controllers’ union contributed $1
million to a pro-Obama super PAC. But other contributions are harder to
trace. Last year, the American Federation of State, County and
Municipal Employees gave $100,000 to Advancing Wisconsin, a tax-exempt
group that supported labor’s fight with Republicans in that state; the
donation was reported nowhere in Wisconsin, but it emerged in an annual
financial report that unions must file with the federal Department of
Labor. </p>
Among the largest beneficiaries of corporate donations in recent years
have been trade organizations like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which
largely backs Republican candidates. As a nonprofit “business league”
under the tax code, the chamber does not have to disclose its
supporters, who helped finance its $33 million in political ads in the
2010 midterm elections. </p>
But voluntary disclosures by corporations — usually at the prodding of
shareholder advocacy groups — shed some light on the use of trade groups
for lobbying or as pass-throughs for political spending. A search of
voluntary disclosures, some collected by the <a title="Center Web site" href="http://www.politicalaccountability.net/">Center for Political Accountability</a>,
which advocates for transparency in corporate political spending, found
more than $6 million in chamber donations by 10 companies last year.
Two of the largest came from Prudential Financial and Dow Chemical,
which each gave $1.6 million, while Chevron, MetLife and Merck each gave
at least $500,000. Some of the donations were directed to the chamber’s
Institute for Legal Reform, which lobbies for limits on liability
suits. </p>
Some contributions are disclosed by accident. Aetna’s check to the
American Action Network, along with a $4.5 million contribution last
year to the chamber, was mistakenly included in a filing with insurance
regulators. The disclosure was first reported by SNL Financial, a trade
publication. Even where companies pledge voluntary disclosure of
political contributions, they often make an exception for donations to
tax-exempt groups. </p>
In 2007, Aetna signed an agreement with the Mercy Investment Program, a
shareholders group, to disclose trade associations to which it made
large contributions. On regulatory filings, the company initially
described its $3 million contribution to the Chamber of Commerce as a
lobbying expense, but the company now says it was intended to finance
“educational activities.” </p>
An Aetna spokesman would not say whether the chamber donation would
appear on the company’s 2011 voluntary disclosure. Sister Valerie
Heinonen, the director of shareholder advocacy for Mercy Investment
Services, said that a failure to do so would violate the company’s
pledge. </p>
Beyond the contributions to large, established nonprofits like the
chamber and American Action Network, corporate money is also quietly
shaping the political discourse through more obscure groups, none of
which are required to disclose their donors. </p>
In Minnesota last year, Express Scripts, a major drug benefit manager,
gave $10,000 to a Republican-linked group, Minnesotans for a Fair
Redistricting, involved in a partisan fight over redrawing legislative
boundaries. Express Scripts made the donation, previously unreported,
because the “electoral maps in Minnesota were in doubt and we supported
efforts to bring certainty to Minnesota voters,” said Brian Henry, a
spokesman for the company, which is based in St. Louis. He added that
the firm has a facility in Bloomington, Minn. </p>
The reasons behind American Electric Power’s $1 million contribution to
the little-known Founding Fund are less clear. The company characterized
it as “lobbying” in a corporate governance disclosure last year, but
the fund says it does no lobbying. The fund, whose address is a mail
drop in Alexandria, Va., would not make any of its directors available
for an interview. </p>
The fund’s treasurer, Frank Sadler, is a lobbyist who previously worked
for Koch Industries advising nonprofit groups that support free market
causes, although he said the Kochs, major Republican donors, were not
involved in the group. In its public filings, the fund said it expected
to raise about $10 million this election cycle, primarily from
corporations, and use it to promote free markets and “the narrowing of
the scope and reach of the federal government.” </p>
A spokesman for American Electric Power, Pat D. Hemlepp, said the
company supports organizations “with positions on issues that align with
AEP’s positions” and strives to be transparent on political giving. “We
also respect the positions of others, including some of the
organizations that receive funding from AEP, to not publicly disclose
funding or activities. That’s their right under the law.” </p>
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