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<p>From: <i>The Washington Post </i><a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/crime/doj-review-of-flawed-fbi-forensics-processes-lacked-transparency/2012/04/17/gIQAFegIPT_print.html">http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/crime/doj-review-of-flawed-fbi-forensics-processes-lacked-transparency/2012/04/17/gIQAFegIPT_print.html</a></p>
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<h1>DOJ review of flawed FBI forensics processes lacked transparency</h1>
By <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/spencer-s-hsu/2011/03/02/ABJ7xmP_page.html" rel="author">Spencer S. Hsu</a>, Jennifer Jenkins and Ted Mellnik, <span class="timestamp updated processed">Published: April 17</span>
<p>The bombshell came at the most inopportune time.</p>
<p>An FBI special agent was testifying in the government’s
high-profile terrorism trial against Omar Abdel Rahman, the “blind
sheik” suspected of plotting <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/02/17/AR2008021700601.html">the first attack on the World Trade Center</a>.</p><p>
<a href="http://voices.washingtonpost.com/spy-talk/2010/03/whitehursts_legacy_still_haunt.html">Frederic Whitehurst, a chemist and lawyer who worked in the FBI’s crime lab</a>, testified that he was told by his superiors to ignore findings that did not support the prosecution’s theory of the bombing.</p>
was a great deal of pressure put upon me to bias my interpretation,”
Whitehurst said in U.S. District Court in New York in 1995. </p><p>Even
before the Internet, Whitehurst’s extraordinary claim went viral. It
turned out he had written or passed along scores of memos over the years
warning of a lack of impartiality and scientific standards at the famed
lab that did the forensic work after the World Trade Center attack and
in other cases.</p><p>With the FBI under fire for its handling of the 1993 trade center attack, <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/longterm/oklahoma/oklahoma.htm">the Oklahoma City bombing</a> and the <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/09/12/AR2007091202605.html">O.J. Simpson murder case</a>, officials had to act.</p>
<p>After the Justice Department’s inspector general began a review of Whitehurst’s claims, <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/govt/admin/reno.htm">Attorney General Janet Reno</a> and <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/govt/admin/reno.htm">FBI Director Louis J. Freeh</a>
decided to launch a task force to dig through thousands of cases
involving discredited agents, to ensure that “no defendant’s right to a
fair trial was jeopardized,” as one FBI official promised at a
congressional hearing.</p><p>The task force took nine years to complete
its work and never publicly released its findings. Not the results of
its case reviews of suspect lab work. <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/special/local/fbi-crime-lab-case-reviews/">Not the names of the defendants who were convicted as a result.</a> And not the nature or scope of <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/crime/investigating-flaws-in-forensics/2012/04/16/gIQAMSDSMT_gallery.html">the forensic problems</a> it found<span>.</span>
</p><p>Those decisions more than a decade ago remain relevant today for hundreds of people still in the U.S. court system, because <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/crime/convicted-defendants-left-uninformed-of-forensic-flaws-found-by-justice-dept/2012/04/16/gIQAWTcgMT_story.html">officials never notified many defendants of the forensic flaws</a> in their cases and never expanded their review to catch similar mistakes.</p>
review of more than 10,000 pages of task force documents and dozens of
interviews demonstrate that the panel operated in secret and with close
oversight by FBI and Justice Department brass — including Reno and
Freeh’s top deputy — who took steps to control the information uncovered
by the group.</p><p>“It was not open,” said a person who worked closely
with the task force and who spoke on the condition of anonymity because
the bureau and Justice Department maintain a strong influence in
forensic science. “Maybe [a coverup] wasn’t the intent, but it did seem
to look that way. <span>. . .</span> It was too controlled by the FBI.” </p><p>The
documents and interviews tell a story of how the Justice Department’s
promise to protect the rights of defendants became in large part an
exercise in damage control that left some <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/crime/2012/04/16/gIQAbndgMT_story.html">prisoners locked away</a>
or in the dark for years longer than necessary. The Justice Department
continues to decline to release the names of defendants in the affected
cases.</p><p>A Washington Post review of the department’s actions shows
an agency struggling to balance its goal of defending convictions in
court with its responsibility to protect the innocent. The Justice
Department’s decision to allow prosecutors to decide what to disclose to
defendants was criticized at the time and allowed most of the process
to remain secret. But by cloaking cases in anonymity, failing to ensure
that defendants were notified of troubles with their cases and
neglecting to publicly report problems or recommend solutions, the task
force <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/special/local/forensic-analysis-methods">obscured problems from further study</a>. </p><p>Justice
Department spokeswoman Laura Sweeney said the federal review met
constitutional requirements by allowing prosecutors in the affected
cases to make the final decision whether to disclose potentially
exculpatory information to the defendants. </p><p>“In January 1996 the
Department established a Task Force to advise prosecutors of the Office
of Inspector General investigation of the FBI lab,” Sweeney said in a
statement. The task force worked with prosecutors and the FBI “to notify
the relevant prosecutors [local, state and federal] so that they could
determine what information needed to be disclosed to defense counsel.”</p><p>
<strong>Scathing report</strong>
</p><p>If the Justice Department was secretive, the agency’s independent
inspector general was not. Michael R. Bromwich’s probe culminated in <a href="http://www.fas.org/irp/agency/doj/oig/fbilab1/00exesum.htm">a devastating 517-page report in April 1997<span></span>on misconduct at the FBI lab</a>. </p>
findings stopped short of accusing agents of perjury or of fabricating
results, but he concluded that FBI managers failed — in some cases for
years — to respond to warnings about the scientific integrity and
competence of agents. </p><p>The chief of the lab’s explosives unit, for
example, “repeatedly reached conclusions that incriminated the
defendants without a scientific basis” in the 1995 Oklahoma City
bombing, Bromwich wrote. The head of toxicology lacked judgment and
credibility and overstated results in the 1994 Simpson investigation.
After the 1993 World Trade Center attack, the key FBI witness “worked
backward,” tailoring his testimony to reach the result he wanted. Other
agents “spruced up” notes for trial, altered reports without the
author’s permission or failed to document or confirm their findings.</p><p>The investigation led to wide-ranging changes, including higher laboratory standards and requirements for examiners. </p><p>Meanwhile, the Justice Department set out to evaluate discredited agents’ work in thousands of cases that had gone to trial. </p>
Maddock, the FBI’s assistant general counsel, told reporters that the
goal of the new task force was to identify any potentially exculpatory
information that had arisen in any criminal case involving agents
criticized in the report.</p><p>“We are undertaking that review,”
Maddock said at an April 15, 1997, news conference. “And when it is
done, we will give a full accounting of our findings.” </p><p>Interviews
and documents show that key decisions about the task force’s work were
made at the highest levels, including the decisions to exclude defense
lawyers from the review and not publicly release the findings.</p><p>Task
force participants said Reno signed off on the decision allowing
prosecutors to decide what to disclose, because normal legal and
constitutional requirements give prosecutors that discretion.</p><p>Justice
Department officials also believed that the public release of the 1997
inspector general report generated enough publicity to give defense
attorneys and their clients opportunities to appeal, task force
participants said. </p><p>“Our job was to do the scientific reviews and
then to send the results to the prosecutors, and they were responsible
for determining whether they were going to disclose or not,” Lucy L.
Thomson, the chief of the task force, said in an interview. “That was
just the way Janet Reno decided to do it.”</p><p>Reno is physically ailing and was unable to comment for this article.</p><p>Her
deputy attorney general until April 1997, Jamie Gorelick, said Reno
“was very, very interested in assuring that we weren’t keeping in prison
people who deserved to have their convictions reviewed.” </p><p>“I am sure she tried as hard as she could to keep the pressure on the bureau and on the criminal division,” Gorelick said. </p><p>
<strong>Delays, omissions</strong>
</p><p>Documents show that the FBI and Justice Department set strict
rules about what information would be disclosed as they prepared to
battle defendants who challenged convictions.</p><p>The department
planned to “monitor all decisions” by federal prosecutors over whether
to disclose information, the head of the criminal division, John C.
Keeney, wrote in a memo to all U.S. attorneys on Jan. 4, 1996. The
division stood ready, if necessary, to “evaluate the allegations and, if
appropriate rebut them,” he wrote. </p><p>In addition, the Justice
Department and the FBI negotiated over the limit and scope of the task
force review, the documents show.</p><p>For example, in a June 1997
memo, Keeney told federal prosecutors that the criminal division and the
FBI would “arrange for an independent, complete review of the
Laboratory’s findings and any related testimony” in all convictions in
which they found there was a “reasonable probability” that work by
discredited agents had affected the conviction or sentence. </p><p>But
two months later, the senior attorney in charge of the task force told
Keeney’s deputy that the FBI indicated that it planned to require “a
cursory paper review” only and generally did not plan to reexamine
evidence.</p><p>That attorney in charge, Thomson, told Deputy Assistant
Attorney General Kevin V. DiGregory in an Aug. 19, 1997, memo that the
FBI also wanted to keep the focus off the most vulnerable cases by not
conducting reviews if a case was still in litigation or on appeal — even
though the panel’s work would have been most relevant to a judge at
those times.</p><p>There were other hitches. One year later, in August
1998, Thomson complained to DiGregory that “no scientists have been
retained to date” by the FBI to conduct reviews of cases in which
defendants may have been wrongly convicted. </p><p>Reviews were “needed as soon as possible in order to avoid possibly undercutting prosecutors’ arguments <span>. . .</span> and to ensure that defendants will not exhaust opportunities to file post-conviction relief motions,” Thomson said.</p>
it turned out, reviews would continue for six years, leaving defendants
in jail after having been convicted in cases with faulty forensics.</p><p>Keeney
died last year after retiring in 2010 as the longest-serving federal
prosecutor in U.S. history. DiGregory did not return messages left at
his home and passed through an associate.</p><p>Thomson, now a privacy
expert, said that the reviews were not cursory and that she did not know
whether any defendants had lost opportunities to appeal their
<strong>Reduced paper trail</strong>
</p><p>As the cases became known to state and local prosecutors, many
moved swiftly and made full disclosures. Others stymied the effort,
whether intentionally or not.</p><p>Because of the sheer passage of
time, files, trial transcripts or other records often were lost or
destroyed. Personnel turnover in prosecutors’ offices often left behind
no living memory of cases. Many state and local prosecutors worked in
small offices with enormous active caseloads and had little stake in the
Justice Department process.</p><p>As a result, reviewers dropped plans
to require that state and local prosecutors sign statements when they
determined a discredited agent’s work was pivotal to a case, or to
explain in writing if they determined it was not, records show. </p><p>That
reduced the paper trail. As long as the task force got the information,
a participant said, it did not matter whether it was written down.</p><p>The
task force did order reviews for multiple cases in which prosecutors
refused to cooperate. For example, Tampa prosecutor Harry Lee Coe III,
now deceased, told the department that his lawyers were too overworked
to review questioned death penalty cases, documents show. </p><p>In
South Carolina, the task force completed a scientific review in late
2002 in the case of Roy David Brooks, who had been convicted of murder.
But the review came after the state had destroyed records. And the
destruction of records came days after the task force wrote to
prosecutors for the third time in four years seeking such records.</p><p>Even when cases were disclosed to defense counsel, it was not clear what was disclosed. </p><p>In
some cases, one-sentence notifications were sent to defendants, many of
whom were indigent, still in prison or without attorneys. </p><p>“Please
find enclosed a copy of the Attachment to Independent Case Review
Report for CDRU#6480 Case File #95-253567, which we received, from the
U.S. Department of Justice,” stated the entirety of a letter from
prosecutors in Tampa to one defendant in April 2001. That letter came 18
years after the offense.</p><p>The attached three-page report did not
contain the defendant’s name — only strings of four- and eight-digit FBI
and Justice Department code numbers. It had nothing to indicate that it
involved the particular defendant’s case or the meaning of bland
statements of scientific results.</p><p>In other cases, records indicate
that prosecutors told defendants or their attorneys early on about the
inspector general’s report but never mentioned that the task force found
more-specific problems. </p><p>The task force gradually wound down when
Thomson and DiGregory departed. A new administration arrived months
before the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, which transformed
priorities. In 2002, Michael Chertoff, then assistant attorney general
for the criminal division, narrowed the review to speed its completion,
dropping unspecified “small cases.”</p><p>Through a spokesman, Chertoff declined to comment.</p><p>In
addition, the criminal division stopped asking prosecutors to notify it
if they turned over review results to defense attorneys.</p><p>
</p><p>Research director Madonna Lebling and researcher Aaron Carter contributed to this report.</p></div>
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