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<div class="timestamp">April 7, 2012</div>
<h1>What Would Jesus Do at the Masters?</h1>
<span><h6 class="byline">By <a rel="author" href="http://topics.nytimes.com/top/opinion/editorialsandoped/oped/columnists/maureendowd/index.html?inline=nyt-per" title="More Articles by Maureen Dowd" class="meta-per">MAUREEN DOWD</a></h6>
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THERE was a boys’ club, of course, a band of ardent, jockeying
disciples. But as his fame grew, the messiah was also surrounded by
women and talked about women with great respect. With his father far
away, the golden boy was most influenced by his strong mother and the
women in his inner circle. </p>
I’m talking about the real messiah, not Barack Obama, although it applies to both. </p>
Even as Scott Walker, Wisconsin’s Republican governor, signed
legislation repealing a law that helped women by making wage
discrimination easier to fight, President Obama accessorized with women,
trying to widen his 18-point gender gap in swing states. </p>
At a women’s forum in the White House on Friday, the president got
personal about his mother, grandmother, wife and daughters, noting, “For
me, at least, it begins with the women who’ve shaped my life.” </p>
Swaddled by women on stage, he bragged on Nancy Pelosi and Hillary
Clinton. “Women are not some monolithic bloc,” he said. “Women are not
an interest group. You shouldn’t be treated that way. Women are over
half this country and its work force — not to mention 80 percent of my
household, if you count my mother-in-law. And I always count my
mother-in-law.” He even lamented women’s larger dry-cleaning bills.
It was a blessed moment of anima in a blistering week of GWOW. That’s
not a “Jersey Shore” voluptuary, but the Global War On Women. </p>
Saudi Arabia, which seemed to be inching ahead on women as
ultra-Orthodox extremists in Israel fell backward, dropped its snail
progress, refusing to sponsor women on its team for the London Olympics
after intimating they could compete. “Female sports activity has not
existed, and there is no move thereto in this regard,” Prince Nawaf bin
Faisal, the Saudi sports minister and president of the Saudi Olympic
Committee, told reporters in Jeddah. </p>
How sad that America went to war with Saddam in 1991 — with female
soldiers along — because he had invaded Kuwait and was threatening Saudi
Arabia, and yet Saudi Arabia continued to throw blankets over women,
banning gym classes for girls and sports for women, considering them
“steps of the devil,” as one religious scholar put it. </p>
I know that the International Olympic Committee is another old-boys’
club and that tyrannies are legitimized in the name of sport. But the
I.O.C. does have a charter that bans discrimination, and it did bar
South Africa from the Games from 1970 to 1991 because of apartheid. So
why not resist the petrodollars and kick out Saudi Arabia for gender
apartheid? </p>
It could be part of the continuing penance to be paid for legitimizing
Hitler by granting him — and Leni Riefenstahl — the 1936 Games. </p>
Augusta National Golf Club, which has kept its men-only policy long
after giving up its black-caddies-only rule, should stop emulating the
Saudis and award a green jacket and club membership to Virginia Rometty,
the new chief of I.B.M., a Masters sponsor. You know you’re in trouble
when Rick Santorum is urging you to be more progressive on women.
“The thing about Augusta is, it’s not just another golf club,” said
David Israel, who was a sports columnist with me at The Washington Star.
“It is the most famous private golf club in the world. It should be
leading and opening doors and minds. Instead, it chooses to venerate a
venal and exclusionary past, an idyll of segregation. Revering its lost
traditions is like wistfully remembering Lester Maddox’s ax handle.”
Rometty and other female executives should persuade their companies to
cut connections with Augusta until equality blossoms like the course’s
azaleas. </p>
Finally, in the perverse pantheon of reactionary men in robes, we have
God’s Rottweiler, as Pope Benedict is known. He welcomed Easter by
sitting on a golden throne and denouncing the “disobedience” of Catholic
priests who want the decaying, ingrown institution that sheltered so
many abusive priests to let in some fresh air and allow female and
married priests, as well as Holy Communion for Catholics who have
remarried without an annulment. </p>
“It seemed like a bitter statement,” said Kenneth Briggs, the author of
“Double Crossed: Uncovering the Catholic Church’s Betrayal of American
Nuns.” “It further erodes, almost tragically, the respect for the papacy
because it looks like what you want is institutional conformity rather
than obedience to the Gospel.” </p>
The message of Jesus, after all, is not about exclusion, but inclusion. </p>
Briggs said that most American Catholics will never go along with
retrogressive dictates of the church, like the one against artificial
contraception. “God,” he noted dryly, “only had one son.” </p>
The Rev. Alberto Cutié, the handsome Miami priest who defected to become
an Episcopal priest when he fell in love and married a woman from his
parish, found the pope’s timing ironic. </p>
“They say women can’t be priests because Jesus only called men to be
apostles,” he said. “But the women close to Jesus were the first
witnesses of the resurrection. When the men were afraid and hidden, the
women went to the tomb and said, ‘Jesus is risen!’ If Easter is the most
important part of Christianity, the first to proclaim the message were
women. Who could make more effective preachers?” </p>
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<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Art Deco (Wayne A. Fox)<br><a href="mailto:art.deco.studios@gmail.com" target="_blank">art.deco.studios@gmail.com</a><br>