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<h1>How the GOP would expand the deficit</h1>
By Editorial Board, <span class="timestamp updated processed">Published: February 26</span>
<p>AT A TIME of record debts and deficits, the two leading Republican
presidential candidates are proposing a path on taxes and spending
likely to add trillions more. That’s the sobering conclusion of the
nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB), whose
board includes six Republican former lawmakers with expertise in budget
issues, three Republican former heads of the Congressional Budget
Office, and two former Office of Management and Budget directors under
Republican presidents.</p>
<p>Last month, we examined former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney’s <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/trillions-in-tax-cuts/2012/01/26/gIQAGrwxaQ_story.html">reckless tax plan</a>,
which, according to calculations by the Urban Institute-Brookings
Institution Tax Policy Center, would drain another $180 billion from the
treasury in 2015 alone. The CRFB estimated the 10-year cost of the
original Romney tax plan at $1.3 trillion. By the end of the 10-year
window, the debt would be a dangerous 86 percent of the gross domestic
product. </p><p>But last week Mr. Romney upped the tax-cutting ante,
promising, in addition to the previous grab bag of tax goodies, a 20
percent across-the-board cut in marginal rates and repeal of the
alternative minimum tax. The Tax Policy Center estimated that <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/mitt-romneys-tax-proposal-may-not-be-narrative-campaign-wants/2012/02/22/gIQAfNkIUR_story.html">the 20 percent rate cut </a>would
cost about $150 billion in 2015 alone. The Romney campaign said that
the rate change wouldn’t add to the deficit because it would generate
unspecified economic growth and be accompanied by spending cuts and
elimination or cutbacks of deductions. Okay, which ones? On that
question, the campaign was decidedly unspecific — understandably so,
because its math doesn’t add up. Until he is more specific about what
sacred cows he would tackle — employer-sponsored health care? — Mr.
Romney’s plan cannot be taken as a fiscally responsible proposal.</p><p>Then
again, he looks reasonable by comparison with former Pennsylvania
senator Rick Santorum, who envisions a tax cut costing an eye-popping $6
trillion over 10 years — above and beyond the $4 trillion cost of
extending the George W. Bush tax cuts. Mr. Santorum would flatten the
tax code, collapsing today’s six brackets into two: 10 percent and 28
percent. Those in the 10 percent bracket would pay no taxes on capital
gains and dividends; those in the 28 percent bracket would pay a 12
percent rate. He would triple the exemption for dependent children and
cut the corporate tax rate in half — except for manufacturers, who would
pay nothing. </p><p>How to do this without blowing a huge hole in the
budget? Mr. Santorum outlines some $2.2 trillion in specific policies,
such as shifting Medicare to a premium support system, transforming
social programs into block grants to states and capping their growth,
and cutting other domestic spending. Then he offers up the biggest magic
asterisk of all time, cutting another $5 trillion within five years,
details not provided. Wisely discounting that gauzy promise, the CRFB
projects that under its intermediate scenario Mr. Santorum’s policies
would increase deficits by $4.5 trillion through 2021, bringing the debt
to a scary 107 percent of the economy. </p><p>The campaign debate needs
to move from pie-in-the-sky promises. Promising additional tax cuts may
win votes, but these proposals are unaffordable and dangerous. </p></div>
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