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<h1>A cyber risk to the U.S.</h1>
By Editorial Board, <span class="timestamp updated processed">Published: February 12</span>
<p>IN A RECENT <a href="http://www.informationweek.com/news/government/security/232600046">briefing to Congress about worldwide threats</a>,
FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III said that the danger of cyberattacks
will equal or surpass the danger of terrorism “in the foreseeable
future.” What makes that assessment particularly alarming is that the
United States may be as unprepared to defend some of its critical
computer systems as it was to protect New York and Washington against
al-Qaeda before Sept. 11, 2001.</p>
<p> Though the Pentagon has a <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/cyber-defense-effort-is-mixed-study-finds/2012/01/11/gIQAAu0YtP_story.html">cybercommand</a>,
it does not cover the domestic civilian economy, including vital
infrastructure systems such as the electric power grid, water supplies
and the financial system. Many of the computers controlling those
utilities <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/power-grid-updates-left-system-vulnerable-to-cyberattacks-auditors-say/2012/02/07/gIQAMxBVxQ_story.html">lack adequate security measures </a>and
could be devastated by viruses launched by hostile states or even
hackers. As it is, U.S. companies, from defense contractors such as
Lockheed Martin to e-mail carriers such as Google, are under continual
assault from China and Russia, which seek to steal industrial or
national security secrets and probe for infrastructure weaknesses.</p><p>
Congress and the Obama administration have at least recognized the
problem: Both have spent years studying it and have drawn up detailed
proposals for hardening U.S. cyberdefenses. Like so much in Washington,
action has been slowed by political gridlock; yet senior legislators in
both parties have committed themselves to passing legislation. In fact,
cyberdefense could be a signature achievement of this election year, if a
few more senators can set aside partisanship and special interest
appeals.</p><p>The most important — or at least, the biggest —
legislation is emerging in the Senate under the sponsorship of Joseph I.
Lieberman (I-Conn.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), John D. Rockefeller IV
(D-W.Va.) and Thomas R. Carper (D-Del.). It is packed with provisions
and updates to outdated legislation, but its most important sections
would provide for information sharing by the government and private
companies and mandate better security for critical infrastructure. (A
couple of overreaching provisions in earlier legislation, such as
authority for the president to shut down Internet traffic in a crisis,
have been dropped.)</p><p>Both areas are contentious. Fresh from
blocking legislation on Internet piracy, some net purists are denouncing
provisions that would make it easier for companies to tell each other,
and the government, about security breaches and ways to prevent them —
and mandate reporting in the event of breaches of critical
infrastructure. While there are legitimate civil liberty concerns, it is
essential that companies are able to share information about stolen
data and other cyberattacks without compromising individual privacy or
exposing themselves to government sanctions.</p><p>Cooperation between
the government and private companies is also badly needed to ensure
protection of power and water plants, banking networks, and other
infrastructure essential to modern society. The Senate legislation
rightly gives the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), rather than the
Pentagon, authority in this area and lays out an appropriately narrow
definition of computer systems to be supervised: those whose
interruption could cause “a mass casualty event”; “the interruption of
life-sustaining services;” “mass evacuations”; or “catastrophic economic
damage to the United States.”</p><p>Firms with such systems would be
required to work with DHS on a security plan and to submit, or submit
to, an audit on its effectiveness; those that fail to comply could be
fined. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and several Republican senators have
objected to such DHS authority, claiming it amounts to unnecessary and
costly regulation. But in the absence of government supervision,
critical systems have remained unprotected. To accept the status quo
would be an unacceptable risk to U.S. national security. </p></div>
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<p>The Washington Post Company</p><br>-- <br>Art Deco (Wayne A. Fox)<br><a href="mailto:art.deco.studios@gmail.com" target="_blank">art.deco.studios@gmail.com</a><br>