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<h1>Trillions in tax cuts</h1>
By Editorial Board, <span class="timestamp updated processed">Published: January 29</span>
<p>THE REPUBLICAN presidential candidates claim to abhor debt, yet propose tax cuts that would add trillions more.</p>
<p>Yes, trillions. </p><p>The case for continuing the George W. Bush
tax cuts, at a cost of $3.7 trillion over 10 years (including interest),
is shaky enough. The cuts for the wealthy alone, which President Obama
would end, would cost with interest about $1 trillion over the next
decade. But the GOP candidates want to continue all those cuts — and add
many more, the vast bulk of which would again go to the wealthiest
taxpayers. </p><p>Former Massachusetts governor <a href="http://thinkprogress.org/progress-report/romney-tax-plan-cut-mitt-romneys-taxes-nearly-in-half-2/?mobile=nc">Mitt Romney </a>proposes
additional cuts that would drain $180 billion from the treasury in 2015
alone, according to calculations by the Urban Institute-Brookings
Institution Tax Policy Center. The nonpartisan center has not calculated
the 10-year cost of the plan. But merely multiplying by 10 illustrates
that Romney is talking trillions.</p><p>And Mr. Romney’s is the most modest of the GOP proposals. Former House speaker <a href="http://money.cnn.com/2011/12/12/news/economy/newt_gingrich_taxes/index.htm">Newt Gingrich’s plan</a> would cost an astonishing $850 billion in 2015 on top of the Bush tax cuts. Former Pennsylvania senator <a href="http://www.thepoliticalguide.com/Profiles/Senate/Pennsylvania/Rick_Santorum/Views/Taxes/">Rick Santorum’s would cost $900 billion</a> in 2015 alone. </p>
centerpiece of the Romney plan is eliminating all taxes on investment
income for taxpayers earning less than $200,000 per couple. Wealthier
taxpayers would keep the 15 percent capital gains rate that allowed Mr.
Romney and his wife to pay such a low share of their income in taxes.
The corporate tax would be reduced from 35 percent to 25 percent. Like
Mr. Santorum and Mr. Gingrich, Mr. Romney would eliminate the estate tax
and the alternative minimum tax and would repeal new taxes on the
wealthy contained in the health-care law and set to take effect in 2013.
The benefits of his plan would be heavily skewed toward the wealthy.
Millionaires would see an average tax cut of $146,000. Meanwhile,
because Mr. Romney would let some lower-income Obama tax breaks lapse,
taxes could actually increase on a significant share (between 16 and 20
percent) of taxpayers earning less than $50,000.</p><p>The Gingrich plan
is even more reckless. He would let taxpayers choose between the
existing code, with the Bush tax cuts extended, or a 15 percent flat tax
but one that maintains deductions for mortgage interest, charitable
contributions and the child and earned-income tax credits. Mr.
Gingrich’s flat tax would be on wage income alone; investment income,
such as capital gains, dividends and interest, would not be taxed at
all. The corporate tax rate would drop to 12.5 percent — unfortunately,
without broadening the base by eliminating existing breaks. </p><p>These
tax cutters gone wild will note, correctly, that the Tax Policy Center
estimates are static: They do not take into account potential growth
spurred by lowering taxes. But there is no rational economic scenario
under which these tax cuts would pay for themselves through the magic of
economic growth. </p><p>It makes no sense to further benefit the
wealthiest taxpayers at a time when spending programs for the most
vulnerable would be on the chopping block — of necessity, given the
candidates’ pledges to cap spending. In their fiscal consequences these
cuts would be disastrous; as a matter of fairness, even more so.</p></div>
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