<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><div style="RIGHT: auto"><SPAN style="RIGHT: auto">Paul,</SPAN></div>
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<div style="RIGHT: auto"><SPAN style="RIGHT: auto">
<div style="RIGHT: auto"><SPAN style="RIGHT: auto"></SPAN></div></div>
<div style="RIGHT: auto"><SPAN style="RIGHT: auto">I don't think so as I read the Federal law. They exceed the max <SPAN style="RIGHT: auto" id=misspell-0><SPAN>requirements</SPAN></SPAN> and don't meet Federal Law for a permit. These mega loads could be broken into smaller parts. There are other ways they could ship it that are cheaper and safer than shipping up norther Idaho.</SPAN></div></SPAN>
<div style="RIGHT: auto"><SPAN style="RIGHT: auto"></SPAN> </div>
<div><SPAN style="RIGHT: auto">
<div style="RIGHT: auto"> (<A style="RIGHT: auto" href="http://wwwcf.fhwa.dot.gov/exit.cfm?link=http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr;sid=10c0733aa98819b3029373fbece87567;rgn=div5;view=text;node=23%3A1.;idno=23;cc=ecfr"><FONT style="RIGHT: auto" color=#0066cc>23 <SPAN id=misspell-1 class=mark>CFR</SPAN> § 657.15(f)(3)(ii)</FONT></A>).</div></SPAN></div>
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<div><SPAN style="RIGHT: auto">
<div style="RIGHT: auto">"The following are the Federally mandated maximum weights for the National System of Interstate and Defense Highways and reasonable access thereto:<BR>1) 80,000 pounds gross vehicle weight<BR>2) 20,000 pound single axle weight<A id=p2a name=p2a></A><A title="Note 1" href="http://us.mg1.mail.yahoo.com/neo/#p2"><FONT color=#0066cc>*</FONT></A><BR>3) 34,000 pound tandem axle weight<A id=p3a name=p3a></A><A title="Note 2" href="http://us.mg1.mail.yahoo.com/neo/#p3"><FONT color=#0066cc>**</FONT></A><BR>4) Bridge Formula<A id=f4a name=f4a></A><A style="RIGHT: auto" title="Note 3" href="http://us.mg1.mail.yahoo.com/neo/#f4"><FONT style="RIGHT: auto" color=#0066cc>***</FONT></A>"</div></SPAN></div>
<div style="RIGHT: auto"><SPAN style="RIGHT: auto"></SPAN> </div>
<div style="RIGHT: auto"><SPAN style="RIGHT: auto"></SPAN> </div>
<div style="RIGHT: auto"><SPAN style="RIGHT: auto">Federal Law regarding state rights to issue special permits for load variance of according 23 <SPAN id=misspell-2 class=mark>CFR</SPAN> Part 658.17 is;</SPAN></div><SPAN style="RIGHT: auto">
<H3 style="RIGHT: auto">"<SPAN id=misspell-3 class=mark>Nondivisible</SPAN> Loads:</H3>
<div style="RIGHT: auto">Permits may be issued by the States without regard to the axle, gross, or Federal bridge formula requirements <B>for <SPAN id=misspell-4 class=mark>nondivisible</SPAN> vehicles or loads</B>. <B><U><SPAN id=misspell-5 class=mark>Nondivisible</SPAN> is defined as any load or vehicle exceeding applicable length or weight limits which, if separated into smaller loads or vehicles, would:</U></B></div>
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<div style="RIGHT: auto"> </div>
<OL style="RIGHT: auto" type=i>
<LI style="RIGHT: auto">Compromise the intended use of the vehicle, i.e., make it unable to perform the function for which it was intended;</LI>
<LI style="RIGHT: auto">Destroy the value of the load or vehicle, i.e., make it unusable for its intended purpose; or</LI>
<LI style="RIGHT: auto">Require more than 8 work hours to dismantle using appropriate equipment. The applicant for a <SPAN id=misspell-6 class=mark>nondivisible</SPAN> load permit has the burden of proof as to the number of <SPAN style="RIGHT: auto" id=misspell-7>work hours</SPAN> required to dismantle the load."</LI></OL>
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<div style="RIGHT: auto">Which of these does Exxon claim to get a permit that is also true?</div>
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<div style="RIGHT: auto">Donovan Arnold</div></SPAN></div>
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