This handsome fella has gone AWOL. I went on vacation and he was last seen by the catsitters on August 12. I live on the north end of Moscow, but he's quite a roamer, and many times in the past has made long treks back to a house we used to live in on 6th Street; after almost two weeks he could really be anywhere. <br>
<br>He's all white, yellow eyes, with a split at the top of his left ear, named Jerby. <br><br>If you've seen him anywhere or know anything, please please please send me a message! I'm getting a little frazzled, and just want him home so I can hug him and love him and ground him for life. <br>
<br>Elaina<br><div style="visibility: hidden; left: -5000px; position: absolute; z-index: 9999; padding: 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; overflow: hidden; word-wrap: break-word; color: black; font-size: 10px; text-align: left; line-height: 130%;" id="avg_ls_inline_popup">