/>Constituents:<br /><br />The 2011 Idaho Legislative session is fading
into history but will certain leave its mark as one of the most polarizing
sessions in Idaho's history. I want to thank all of my constituents
who sent me letters, e mails, and phone calls of support. I will
continue to serve District 6 constituents as a member of the Republican
Party. I'd like to leave a few thoughts about the session.<br /><br
/> 1. Education--Steps are moving forward to recall Tom
Luna. Frankly the odds against this are tremendous. The
initiative aimed at overturning SPI Luna's three Pillars of Education
stands a much better chance of getting on the ballot. This effort is
already underway. A total of over 48,000 signatures will be required
to get the initiative on the ballot. The major campaign issue for
the 2012 election season will be education.<br /><br />
2. Closed Primary Election -- Gov. Otter signed the bill into law,
and it will take some time to "educate" the public about the
details of its operation. Taxpayers are picking up the more than
$400,000 in legal and implementation fees for this piece of
legislation. Gov. Otter notes that he feels that the bill may lower
voter turnout. One of the most ironic consequences of the bill is
that for the first time in Idaho history the names of voters who register
will become public information. Several political parties have
consistently advocated that protection of an individual's right to privacy
and confidentiality of information is paramount in their platforms.
Secretary of State Ben Ysursa also is concerned that the legislation may
actually promote lower voter turnout. We will have a chance to see
what the outcome will be next spring.<br /><br />I will be reporting back
to constituents in District 6 during the next month. I'd be glad to
get your comments, suggestions, etc. My e-mail is <a
href="mailto:ttrail@moscow">ttrail@moscow</a>.<br /><br />Rep. Tom Trail