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Dear God Joe,<BR>
Must you reach? In this country all opinions are viable, you know, with the Constitution and all, and right here on the ol' viz calling all Republicans "right wingnuts" is a viable opinion.<BR>
As a matter of fact, you can say whatever you want and call it your opinion, whether or not people respect that opinion is another matter. <BR>
It's called the First Amendment, Joe. Don't like it? Too damn bad. Want to put controls on it because you're offended by something someone says? Then, knowing you are a liberal, I'd call you a dirty commie bastard. If you were a conservative, I'd call you a dirty Nazi bastard.<BR>
From wikipedia:<BR>
<B>Glenn Edward Lee Beck</B> (born February 10, 1964) is an American <A title="Conservatism in the United States" href="/wiki/Conservatism_in_the_United_States"><FONT color=#0645ad>conservative</FONT></A> radio and television host, author, entrepreneur, and political commentator. He hosts <I><A class=mw-redirect title="The Glenn Beck Program" href="/wiki/The_Glenn_Beck_Program"><FONT color=#0645ad>The Glenn Beck Program</FONT></A></I>, a nationally syndicated <A title="Talk radio" href="/wiki/Talk_radio"><FONT color=#0645ad>talk-radio show</FONT></A> that airs throughout the <A href="/wiki/United_States"><FONT color=#0645ad>United States</FONT></A> on <A href="/wiki/Premiere_Radio_Networks"><FONT color=#0645ad>Premiere Radio Networks</FONT></A>; and also a <A title="Glenn Beck (TV program)" href="/wiki/Glenn_Beck_(TV_program)"><FONT color=#0645ad>cable news show</FONT></A>* on <A href="/wiki/Fox_News_Channel"><FONT color=#0645ad>Fox News Channel</FONT></A>. As an author, Beck has had six <A class=mw-redirect title="New York Times Best Seller List" href="/wiki/New_York_Times_Best_Seller_List"><FONT color=#0645ad><I>New York Times</I>-bestselling books</FONT></A>, with five debuting at #1.<SUP id=cite_ref-Forbes410_1-1 class=reference><A href="#cite_note-Forbes410-1"><FONT color=#0645ad><SPAN>[</SPAN>2<SPAN>]</SPAN></FONT></A></SUP> Beck is the founder and CEO of Mercury Radio Arts, a multimedia production company through which he produces content for radio, television, publishing, the stage, and the Internet.<BR>
*<I><B>Glenn Beck</B></I> is an American cable opinion show hosted by <A href="/wiki/Glenn_Beck"><FONT color=#0645ad>Glenn Beck</FONT></A> that airs weekdays on <A href="/wiki/Fox_News_Channel"><FONT color=#0645ad>Fox News Channel</FONT></A>. The program, originally on CNN Headline News (now <A class=mw-redirect title="HLN (TV network)" href="/wiki/HLN_(TV_network)"><FONT color=#0645ad>HLN</FONT></A>), premiered on FNC on January 19, 2009 and now airs weekdays at 5:00 PM EST.<BR>
<STRONG>Rush Hudson Limbaugh III</STRONG> (pronounced <SPAN class=IPA title="Pronunciation in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)"><A title="Wikipedia:IPA for English" href="/wiki/Wikipedia:IPA_for_English"><FONT color=#0645ad>/ˈlɪmbÉ”Ë/</FONT></A></SPAN>; born January 12, 1951) is an <A title="United States" href="/wiki/United_States"><FONT color=#0645ad>American</FONT></A> <A class=mw-redirect title="Radio host" href="/wiki/Radio_host"><FONT color=#0645ad>radio talk show host</FONT></A>, conservative political commentator, and an opinion leader in conservative politics and <A href="/wiki/Conservatism_in_the_United_States"><FONT color=#0645ad>conservatism in the United States</FONT></A>. He hosts <I><A href="/wiki/The_Rush_Limbaugh_Show"><FONT color=#0645ad>The Rush Limbaugh Show</FONT></A></I> which is aired throughout the U.S. on <A href="/wiki/Premiere_Radio_Networks"><FONT color=#0645ad>Premiere Radio Networks</FONT></A> and is the highest-rated <A title="Talk radio" href="/wiki/Talk_radio"><FONT color=#0645ad>talk-radio program</FONT></A> in the United States. Limbaugh signed an 8 year, $400 million contract extension with <A title="Clear Channel Communications" href="/wiki/Clear_Channel_Communications"><FONT color=#0645ad>Clear Channel</FONT></A> in 2008 that pays him $50 million a year.<BR>
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Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 21:55:28 -0800<BR>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Journalist my ass<BR>From: philosopher.joe@gmail.com<BR>To: fotopro63@hotmail.com<BR>CC: thansen@moscow.com; vision2020@moscow.com<BR><BR>Kai,<BR><BR>Give me a break. Is the idea that all democrats are communists a viable opinion? Can I say whatever stupid and insulting thing I want and get away with it by claiming it is my opinion? All I know is when I see the weekly rankings for top "news" programs, Beck always makes the list! I'm pretty sure MOST of the listeners regard it as news, not opinion.<BR><BR>
<DIV class=ecxgmail_quote>On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 6:35 PM, Kai Eiselein <SPAN dir=ltr><<A href="mailto:fotopro63@hotmail.com">fotopro63@hotmail.com</A>></SPAN> wrote:<BR>
<BLOCKQUOTE style="PADDING-LEFT: 1ex" class=ecxgmail_quote>
<DIV><BR> Just a point, Joe: Rush & Beck espouse opinions, they are not journalists. I'm really suprised that someone with your level of education would confuse the two.<BR>In essence, what they do is no different than football analysts expressing their views each Sunday during the season, or what one reads on the editorial pages of a newspaper.<BR>Another point, when I've yelled at NPR (most often while driving) it hasn't been because of "lies", but because of omissions. What is omitted can be every bit as important as what isn't, and can change the tenor of a story very easily.<BR>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 18:09:19 -0800<BR>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Journalist my ass<BR>From: <A href="mailto:philosopher.joe@gmail.com">philosopher.joe@gmail.com</A><BR>To: <A href="mailto:fotopro63@hotmail.com">fotopro63@hotmail.com</A><BR>CC: <A href="mailto:thansen@moscow.com">thansen@moscow.com</A>; <A href="mailto:vision2020@moscow.com">vision2020@moscow.com</A><BR><BR>But are there any liberal/progressive journalists who have the kind of wild views of Rush and Beck, e.g., that democrats are communists? I don't think so. Again, you can find bias anywhere. You just find MORE of it on Fox than anywhere else.<BR><BR>If you or anyone denies this, I offer a challenge. I've done it before but no one has taken me up on it. Pick your idea of a biased liberal radio or TV show and we'll listen to it counting the lies and fallacies along the way. Then we'll turn on Fox for an hour and do the same.<BR><BR>
<DIV>On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 6:04 PM, Kai Eiselein <SPAN dir=ltr><<A href="mailto:fotopro63@hotmail.com">fotopro63@hotmail.com</A>></SPAN> wrote:<BR>
<DIV>I watched Fox news once several years ago and found it less than stellar, in my opinion. I've also found myself yelling at the radio while listening to NPR present biased news and I remember Katie Couric soft tossing questions to President Clinton while giggling like a 12 year old. Of course when Couric interviewed Condoleezza Rice, she was a hard ass.<BR> <BR>> Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 16:10:30 -0800<BR>> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Journalist my ass<BR>> From: <A href="mailto:thansen@moscow.com">thansen@moscow.com</A><BR>> To: <A href="mailto:fotopro63@hotmail.com">fotopro63@hotmail.com</A>; <A href="mailto:vision2020@moscow.com">vision2020@moscow.com</A><BR>> <BR>> Kai Eiselein informs us:<BR>> <BR>> "Real journalists seek the truth with no preconcieved notions and report<BR>> facts without personal opinion."<BR>> <BR>> Then, Mr. Eiselein, we are in agreement. Fox News does not employ "real<BR>> journalists" by your definition.<BR>> <BR>> Is this correct?<BR>> <BR>> Before you answer, I will concede what is clearly obvious . . .<BR>> <BR>> Keith Olbermann, Dr. Rachel Maddow (She does have a PhD in Poli Sci), and<BR>> Ed Schultz are NOT journalists. They are Op/Ed personalities and have<BR>> NEVER claimed to be news sources.<BR>> <BR>> On the other hand, Fox "News" . . .<BR>> <BR>> Your thoughts, Mr. Eiselein?<BR>> <BR>> Tom Hansen<BR>> Moscow, Idaho<BR>> <BR>> "The Pessimist complains about the wind, the Optimist expects it to change<BR>> and the Realist adjusts his sails."<BR>> <BR>> - Unknown<BR>> <BR>> "The Pessimist complains about the wind, the Optimist expects it to change<BR>> and the Realist adjusts his sails."<BR>> <BR>> - Unknown<BR>> <BR>> <BR></DIV><BR>=======================================================<BR> List services made available by First Step Internet,<BR> serving the communities of the Palouse since 1994.<BR> <A href="http://www.fsr.net/" target=_blank>http://www.fsr.net</A><BR> mailto:<A href="mailto:Vision2020@moscow.com">Vision2020@moscow.com</A><BR>=======================================================<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV><BR></DIV></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV><BR> </body>