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I don't hold conservatives as a group responsible, and when you point out a mass shooting perpetrated by someone who quotes the rabid animal-rights, Earth First!, and Bush lied/people died folks, I'll condemn it and them as well. Further, Gary, my standard, as you call it, is the same for any minister in Moscow who would say the left-wing equivalent of what Wilson, et al, does. When you hear or read something by a left-wing Christian minister here that approaches the noxiousness of what I condemn in these two men, I'll be the first to howl, and howl loudly.<br><br>Notice, as I'm not sure you have, that I reserve my anger and condemnation for Christians who behave badly. That's my interest and my calling, if you will, because hatred from the Christian pulpit, left- or right-wing, hurts the Church of the God I serve. I don't think objecting to that does, but, as always, you're entitled to your opinion. But don't suggest that I'm anti-conservative. I'm not, nor do I hold the millions of decent conservatives in this country responsible for things like this. I do, however, wish they'd join me in confronting and rebuking the horrid excesses of those on their side of the spectrum. <br><br><font style="" color="#8064a2"><font style="font-size: 12pt;" size="3"><font style="" face="Verdana">Keely<br>www.keely-prevailingwinds.com<br></font></font></font><br><br><br><br><hr id="stopSpelling">From: jampot@roadrunner.com<br>To: kjajmix1@msn.com; vision2020@moscow.com<br>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] the shooting<br>Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2011 19:43:01 -0800<br><br>
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<div><font color="#000000" face="Calibri" size="3">And the unstable left wing over the
top rhetoric of rabid animal rights groups, earth firsters, truthers, and the
endlessly droning Bush lied/people died crowd don't? Lumping Courtney, Wilson,
the tea party folks, and conservatives in general as a group with even a
smattering of responsibility for this tragedy is over the top by any standard.
Even yours.</font></div>
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<div><font color="#000000" face="Calibri" size="3">g</font></div>
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<div style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(245, 245, 245);">
<div style=""><b>From:</b> <a title="kjajmix1@msn.com" href="mailto:kjajmix1@msn.com">keely emerinemix</a> </div>
<div><b>Sent:</b> Saturday, January 08, 2011 7:23 PM</div>
<div><b>To:</b> <a title="vision2020@moscow.com" href="mailto:vision2020@moscow.com">vision2020@moscow.com</a> </div>
<div><b>Subject:</b> [Vision2020] the shooting</div></div></div>
<div><br></div>In the interest of transparency, I want to say that I've heard
indirectly from Dale Courtney and directly from Douglas Wilson, both of whom,
not surprisingly, take umbrage at my characterization that people like them bear
some responsibility for things like the politically motivated shootings in
Tucson. You can look on Dale's blog, and I won't post Wilson's emails to
me without his permission, but when I take my hits for something I've said or
done in public, I am not afraid to acknowledge those hits in public. But
let's be clear. <br><br>I did not say that Douglas Wilson and Dale
Courtney shot anyone. <br><br>I did not say they are accountable for the
actions of the man who did.<br><br>I did not say they are guilty in the same way
the shooter is, and I didn't say they specifically, personally encouraged him to
do it.<br><br>What I said was that people who say the kinds of things these two
prominent local Christians have said, and say them in the ugly and intolerant,
public way they've said them, are responsible for the climate that helps tip
unstable, paranoid anti-government types over the edge. That doesn't seem
too difficult to comprehend, and certainly wouldn't seem to be too difficult for
these two men of chest to bear. Frankly, if Pima County Sheriff Clarence
Dupnik has concluded that the atmosphere of hatred and abuse swamping the
country these days has incubated actions like the shootings today, it hardly
seems odd that those of us who live in a place where our neighbors contribute so
nakedly to that atmosphere would remark on their culpability for
it.<br><br><font color="#8064a2"><font style="font-size: 12pt;" size="3"><font face="Verdana">Keely<br>www.keely-prevailingwinds.com<br></font></font></font><br><br>
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