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Re: BP's ocean floor gusher and its effects<br>
I am intending to ask serious questions below. I am <u>not</u> trying
be cute or funny.<br>
This is about "BP", a petroleum company whose name is no longer<br>
"British Petroleum".<br>
If President Obama or agencies of the United States of America<br>
demand that BP respond to demands, is BP required to do so?<br>
E.g., Is BP required to produce a new "plan" by such and such deadline<br>
when the President asks for it?<br>
More colloquially stated, if the President of USA tells BP to "jump",<br>
do they in fact have to?<br>
By what authority?<br>
What consequences might BP experience if it does not comply?<br>
And if BP does not comply to demands, what can "we", the USA, <br>
do if BP does not?<br>
Yes, what can "we" [The United States of America] do about it?<br>
As the President said very recently, he can't go down and fix<br>
the leak, nor can he suck up the raw petroleum with a soda straw.<br>
So many individuals seem to think that the President, and/or<br>
"the government" should have fixed the problem, and already.<br>
Oh! Just how do "we" do that?<br>
The Army, the Marines . . . Choose your favorite "armed" force . . .<br>
Since when does Basic Training or any specialist schooling/training<br>
prepare one to "fix" a gusher of raw petroleum and natural gas<br>
spewing from the ocean floor a mile below the surface?<br>
Can "we" summarily "kick" BP out of the "Gulf", take away their<br>
permits and have the U.S. Navy escort their ships out of U.S.<br>
territory? <br>
And if we can, and do, then what??? Do we have the where-with-all<br>
to attack and fix the problem?<br>
Is there something that "we" really can and should do or are<br>
those calling for "action" simply "p---ing" in the wind?<br>
Any readers have any ideas?<br>