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<DIV>The article also stated that the community was less hostile to Douglas
Wilson and his church (read cult) in recent years. </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>I have not found that to be so. In my opinion, the negative feelings
toward Wilson have been voiced less vociferously, but are more wide
spread. Acquaintances who used to twit me about what I express
about Wilson and his agenda, lies, hypocrisy, arrogance, flimflamery,
control, etc are now agreeing.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>In addition, Wilson's playing the fool for Christopher Hitchens seems to
have lessened his credibility not only here but among some of importance in
the reformed community. </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>The <EM>DN</EM> refers to him as a conservative theologian. What a
joke! He is abysmally ignorant not only of older biblical
scholarship, but modern biblical scholarship as well. He is in reality an
untrained, unordained, lay, but very pushy, very phony preacher making things up
from a few pieces of straw. He is not a theologian, but a crackpot.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>And as long as the <EM>DN</EM> keeps printing the rosy filler articles
provided by Bobby Horrendous of NSA, we all know who is partially controlling
the paper.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Wayne A. Fox<BR>1009 Karen Lane<BR>PO Box 9421<BR>Moscow, ID
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><A href="mailto:waf@moscow.com">waf@moscow.com</A><BR>208 882-7975</DIV>
style="BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
<DIV style="FONT: 10pt arial">----- Original Message ----- </DIV>
style="FONT: 10pt arial; BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; font-color: black"><B>From:</B>
<A title=kjajmix1@msn.com href="mailto:kjajmix1@msn.com">keely emerinemix</A>
<DIV style="FONT: 10pt arial"><B>To:</B> <A title=thansen@moscow.com
href="mailto:thansen@moscow.com">Tom Hansen</A> ; <A
href="mailto:vision2020@moscow.com">vision2020@moscow.com</A> </DIV>
<DIV style="FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Sent:</B> Tuesday, January 05, 2010 3:11
<DIV style="FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Subject:</B> Re: [Vision2020] Daily News Got
It Wrong</DIV>
<DIV><BR></DIV>Because I've canceled my subscription to the Daily News, and
not for the first time, I didn't read the article Joe refers to.
<BR><BR>One of the reasons I don't subscribe to the DN is because its coverage
on many issues involving our town has been lacking, biased, and poorly written
-- all symptomatic of a disregard for simple, classic journalism. I know
a bit about print journalism and reporting, and I can say with some measure of
expertise and experience that its coverage of Wilson, etc., has been
particularly egregious on all three points.<BR><BR>But if the paper suggested
that "community members" who oppose Wilson's work and words vandalized ("took
to" vandalizing) Christ Church-owned businesses and property, without a shred
of evidence demonstrating, unequivocally and with full attribution, three
things, it's become more of an affront to print journalism than usual.
Those three things are simple, Journalism 101-type stuff: Did vandalism
actually happen? Did the vandal have any agenda whatsoever? And
was that person linked to others, like myself, who have publicly spoken out
against Wilson? <BR><BR>Answer those questions, with evidence and
attribution, and you might be on to something. But for the DN to toss
that out without the building blocks of true journalism -- accuracy, evidence,
attribution, etc. -- is just so much heaving rocks through the windows, so to
speak, of its readership. I don't expect all readers to notice the
fault, but I do expect those who commit it to acknowledge that they're in the
wrong field.<BR><BR><FONT color=#8064a2><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt"
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 2010 08:00:38 -0800<BR>> From: thansen@moscow.com<BR>>
To: vision2020@moscow.com<BR>> Subject: [Vision2020] Daily News Got It
Wrong<BR>> <BR>> Courtesy of today's (January 5, 2010) Moscow-Pullman
Daily News with<BR>> thanks to Joe Campbell.<BR>> <BR>>
--------------------------------------------------------<BR>> <BR>>
Daily News got it wrong<BR>> <BR>> The paper's account of Moscow's
recent history (Jan. 2 & 3) was less than<BR>> fully accurate.<BR>>
<BR>> For instance, in discussing Doug Wilson's "Southern Slavery: As it
Was,"<BR>> the paper claims "community members took to vandalizing
businesses owned<BR>> by people associated with Christ Church and Wilson"
due to controversy<BR>> over the book.<BR>> <BR>> There is not one
instance where it was discovered that a community member<BR>> vandalized
"businesses owned by people associated with Christ Church." The<BR>> only
confirmed case of "vandalism" was an offensive comment written in<BR>>
chalk on public property in Friendship Square. And no one knows who
did<BR>> that. The Daily News account is irresponsible in the same way that
it<BR>> would be irresponsible for the Daily News to speculate that members
of<BR>> Christ Church vandalized the atheist billboard on U.S. Highway
95.<BR>> <BR>> Also, the controversy about Wilson's book was not merely
ideological. Some<BR>> of the controversy was because the book was
plagiarized.<BR>> <BR>> Lastly, the paper writes that NSA "had been on
South Main Street since<BR>> 2002, but changes to city law required the
school - and other educational<BR>> institutions - to obtain a conditional
use permit to operate in the<BR>> downtown business district."<BR>>
<BR>> But if you look at the law in question, the change was made "to
allow<BR>> schools, commercial schools and/or educational institutions by
conditional<BR>> use permit in certain commercial and special zoning
districts."<BR>> <BR>> NSA began in a residential neighborhood, in
violation of the city zoning<BR>> code. It was duly and clearly informed of
its violation. It moved<BR>> downtown, first to one location near Main
Street and then to its current<BR>> location. Each time its new location
violated city code and each time NSA<BR>> was duly informed. The change in
law allowed NSA to remain downtown,<BR>> contrary to the city code. It was
not a burden but a gift from the city to<BR>> NSA.<BR>> <BR>> Joseph
Keim Campbell<BR>> Moscow<BR>> <BR>>
--------------------------------------------------------<BR>> <BR>>
Thanks, Joe.<BR>> <BR>> Seeya round town, Moscow.<BR>> <BR>> Tom
Hansen<BR>> Moscow, Idaho<BR>> <BR>> “I’ll just speak for our church,
in Christ Church. If I found out that a<BR>> member of our church or a
church officer was lying to non-believers in the<BR>> community, as a way
to get by or protect themself or protect his<BR>> reputation, yes, he’d be
disciplined.”<BR>> <BR>> - Doug Wilson (January 31, 2007)<BR>>
<BR>> <BR>>
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