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Having to come the awful Palouse for a football game in Pullman....quotes from a Bruin player...He didn't mention the stagecoach trip from Spokane and only being fed hardtack and water while here.......<br>PULLMAN — There's no doubt the UCLA Bruins don't like coming to the Palouse.<BR>
"I don't like that place," senior linebacker Reggie Carter told the
Los Angeles Times this week. "It is the worst trip. There is nothing
there. It is 1 ½ hours from the airport. It's cold and even the hotel
is bad. Everything is rough out there, man.<BR>
"You have to be a strong person to go there. Hopefully we'll go there, get the victory and run home as fast as we can."<BR>
The Bruins (4-5 overall, 1-5 in the Pac-10) haven't taken many
victories home from Pullman recently, as Washington State has won five
of the past six between the schools at Martin Stadium.<BR> <br /><hr />Windows 7: I wanted simpler, now it's simpler. <a href='http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/windows-7/default.aspx?h=myidea?ocid=PID24727::T:WLMTAGL:ON:WL:en-US:WWL_WIN_myidea:112009' target='_new'>I'm a rock star.</a></body>