<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><DIV>Roger,</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>If you have any Graduate students in the soil competition, you can request money from the Graduate and Professional Student Association. If it is for Undergraduates they can ask the ASUI for help with funding. They both have monies set aside for travel events and competitions. </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Best Regards,</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><BR>--- On <B>Wed, 1/14/09, lfalen <I><lfalen@turbonet.com></I></B> wrote:<BR></DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: rgb(16,16,255) 2px solid">From: <SPAN>lfalen</SPAN> <lfalen@turbonet.com><BR>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] U of I Program Cuts<BR>To: "Mo Hendrickson" <hend5953@vandals.uidaho.edu>, godshatter@yahoo.com<BR>Cc: vision2020@moscow.com<BR>Date: Wednesday, January 14, 2009, 10:52 AM<BR><BR><PRE>I don't know the exact number, but in a list I saw a year ago there were at
least a half a dozen in human rights and diversity. I don't mean to be
picking on just this area, they are just examples. The point is cuts and layoffs
should start with administrators. If you cut programs, it only stands to reason
that you need fewer administrators. The University Soils Team probably won't
be able to go to the national Contest this year. They usually raise what money
they can and the department matches it. This year there will be no matching
funds. It will cost about $4000. My wife is selling some things on ebay to raise
money for them. It would not hurt the professors and administrators to
personally kick in some.
Mo- I agree that diversity is inherent around us and should not be
discriminated against, I realize that in some case it still is.
I will give you a two cases of people with problems who have excelled. Temple
Grandlin ia artistic. She was the chairman of the Animal Science Department at
Ft. Collins Co. She has written extensively in scientific journals and also a
book about her autism. There is a young lady at Orifino who has Downs Syndrome.
She is a junior 4-H leader and plays the piano. She usually wins an award each
year. They were not just given to her, She earned them. Feel free to explain the
-----Original message-----
From: Mo Hendrickson hend5953@vandals.uidaho.edu
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 12:24:43 -0800
To: lfalen@turbonet.com, godshatter@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: [Vision2020] U of I Program Cuts
> Roger-
> I can't speak to development or the ombuds office, since I don't
work in those areas. But how many Human Rights Administrators do you think UI
has? Again this is a serious non-rhetorical question.
> As to diversity, we are obviously working from two entirely different
definitions. The definition you gave in your last email was the condition of
being different, which if you go to the dictionary you sited it is actually the
condition of being diverse, while similar the two words have separate meanings.
For me diversity is more than bringing different skin colors to campus, more
than increasing the number of women, more than sitting down at an international
banquet to eat food from around the world. It is more than a business tactic or
an educational model. Diversity is inherent in the world around us, I work in
an office that puts numbers on diversity, so I know how difficult it can be to
separate diversity from the desire to quantify and measure. And it is hard to
put into words how much larger the images of diversity are.
> I agree that we should all play from a level field and merit should be the
only deciding factor, but unfortunately our system, the USA not just UI is not
set-up that way. While inequality still exists, there will be programs to help
those who need the help. If you would like me to explain how the UI system
works I would be more than happy to, but I will wait until asked.
> -Mo
> > Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 10:31:52 -0800> From:
lfalen@turbonet.com> To: godshatter@yahoo.com> CC:
hend5953@vandals.uidaho.edu; vision2020@moscow.com> Subject: Re: [Vision2020]
U of I Program Cuts> > This has been done before and probably should be
done again.I don't think that will be enough to solve the problem. There are
administrators we could do with out. There should be only one Human Rights
Administrator, with and assistant and a secretary. I don't know abut other
colleges but the Agricultural College has a development administrator. Why have
the duplication. One should be enough. The Ombudsman position should be
eliminated. They only run interference for the University and do not really help
anyone. This should be handled by and outside impartial party. There are
undoubtedly other administrators that can be cut. I would not like to see
programs cut unless very few are interested in them. There should be diversity
in programs. Staff people to do the work are more imp!
than high priced administrators. Preventative Maintenance is also important.
Deferring things to later only makes matters worse.> Getting back to Mo and
human diversity- Being familiar with international cuisine and culture enriches
all of us. When by daughter was at LCSC she belonged to the International Club.
They had an anual dinner with foods from around the world and international
entertainment featuring the various cultures. All of this was great. I
particular liked the students from Nepal. What I dont' care for is promoting
diversity just for the sake of Diversity when it comes to employment or student
enrollment. These area should be blind to race, religion, sex, sexual
orientation or any other condition. Merit is what should rule here.>
Roger> -----Original message-----> From: Paul Rumelhart
godshatter@yahoo.com> Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 13:22:10 -0800> To: lfalen
lfalen@turbonet.com> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] U of I Program Cuts> >
> I'd like to see a furlough implem!
myself. I say that knowing that > > I'm one of the people that would
have to do a lot of the work with > > implementing it because I'm the
programmer for the Payroll system. Just > > close the University down one
day a month for x number months, or let > > the employees individually
choose which days to take off without pay. > > We'd have to have a
lower salary limit under which employees would not > > have to go on
furlough, or make it voluntary. I'd rather lose a few > > days of pay
than have the specter of layoffs hanging over my head, or > > something
else just as drastic.> > > > Paul> > > > lfalen
wrote:> > > Mo> > > I agree that most of the pay cuts should
me with administrators. Also it would take 3 or 4 staff people to equal what you
would save with letting one administrator go and I believe you could do without
them easier than most staff people.> > > I am not opposed to diversity.
I think that it is great, but I don't think that we need the whole west side
of ( I t!
hink the
second flour) of the Commons devoted to diversity and human relations. It is
fine to have diversity, but the emphasis should be on merit.> > >
Roger> > > -----Original message-----> > > From: Mo
Hendrickson hend5953@vandals.uidaho.edu> > > Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2009
14:28:24 -0800> > > To: lfalen@turbonet.com, vision2020@moscow.com>
> > Subject: RE: [Vision2020] U of I Program Cuts> > >> >
> > > >> Roger- > > >> > > >> A couple of
comments and questions regarding you program cuts.First, you write, "To
help save some programs and jobs. everyone should take a 5 to 10% pay cut. Less
money is better than no money." I am glad to hear that you are in a
financial postion to take that kind of cut. There are many of us working for the
University that could not manage that cut. I currently work in an IH position
and have not had any pay increase in the three years in that position. So sure
ask the administration to take reductions, but the folks down on the bottom of
the pay chain can't h!
that kind of reduction. > > >> > > >> I also question
your statement, "I don't think the University needs that many people in
development or diversity at this point." I am guessing that your view on
diverity is based on an older model of diversity, that it is about skin color
and gender. In my point of view, diversity is more than tracking how many people
of color we have on campus, it is more than the number of women we have in the
classrooms, diversity includes all of us, it is religion, it is gender, it is
white men over 40, it is women in their 20's, understanding diversity is key
in creating an environment in which students, staff, and faculty thrive. We
should be investing in diversity not cutting it. That doesn't mean throwing
money at it and giving it lip service, but really assessing the incredible
resources we have on campus and finding ways to use them to bring in more
students, to attract the best and brightest scholars. I don't want UI to
become a homogenized un!
it, with
everyone looking, thin!> > >> > > > king and> > >
acting the same, there is no life in that. > > > > > >>
> > >> I would also argue that this university if understaffed in
terms of diversity programming not over staffed. We are currently have two key
diversity positions on campus that are vacant and those vacancy are being felt.
So please tell me why you think we need less people in diversity. > >
>> > > >> -Mo Hendrickson> > >> A proud advocate
for diversity> >
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