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<H1 class=Headline itxtvisited="1"><FONT size=3>Candidate Apologizes For Sultry Robo Call</H1>
<H1 class=Headline itxtvisited="1"><I itxtvisited="1"><FONT size=2>About 100,000 Californians Receive Sultry Call</FONT></I></H1>
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<DIV class=StoryBody itxtvisited="1">Listen to the Robocall:</DIV>
<DIV class=StoryBody itxtvisited="1"><A href="http://www.cbs46.com/download/2008/1029/17827687.mp3">http://www.cbs46.com/download/2008/1029/17827687.mp3</A></DIV>
<DIV class=StoryBody itxtvisited="1"> </DIV>
<DIV class=StoryBody itxtvisited="1">DAVIS, Calif.<STRONG> -- </STRONG>A California candidate for Congress is apologizing for robo calls that sounded more like a 1-900 number than a political message. </DIV>
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<P class=StoryBody itxtvisited="1"></P>
<DIV class=StoryBody itxtvisited="1">About 100,000 Northern California residents in the 1st Congressional District may have heard the sultry voice of a woman on the call, which urges listeners to vote for Republican Zane Starkewolf. </DIV>
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<P class=StoryBody itxtvisited="1"><U><FONT color=#810081></FONT></U></P>
<DIV class=StoryBody itxtvisited="1">The woman on the phone urged voters to vote for Starkenwolf because "Mike Thompson's been a bad boy. We all said no to the bailout, but Thompson backed Bush, just like he did with the Patriot Act." </DIV>
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<DIV class=StoryBody itxtvisited="1">Starkewolf, a 27-year old University of California Davis alumnus and graduate student, stated on his Web site that, "I take the credit or the blame for the statement that went out today. The unpaid staffer who recorded and submitted the message may have been a little overly enthusiastic in the delivery, but I believe it is good to get enthusiasm back into politics." </DIV>
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<DIV class=StoryBody itxtvisited="1">He went on to write, "The message is there -- and what it says is that Mike Thompson went against the people of this district when he voted to pass and have us pay for the $700 billion bailout … This is simply appalling. And if a message needs to go out that is 'appalling' in a sense in order to get the discussion going, then I believe it is a worthy cause." </DIV>
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<P class=StoryBody itxtvisited="1"></P>
<DIV class=StoryBody itxtvisited="1">Thompson said in a statement that "Voters in the 1st District won't be swayed by this sophomoric and tasteless prank." </DIV>
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<DIV class=StoryBody itxtvisited="1">--------------------------------------------------------</DIV>
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<DIV class=StoryBody itxtvisited="1">Seeya round town, Moscow.</DIV>
<DIV class=StoryBody itxtvisited="1"> </DIV>
<DIV class=StoryBody itxtvisited="1">Tom Hansen</DIV>
<DIV class=StoryBody itxtvisited="1">Moscow, Idaho</DIV></FONT></body>