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<STRONG>I enjoy youtube. . . . for entertainment. However, I question it's value for "news". . . hell, I question about 99% of anything I see/hear on radio/tv as well.</STRONG><BR>
<STRONG>Anyone who has had the pleasure (I use the term loosely) of being interviewed might have an understanding. I have never once been quoted accurately. Ever. Years ago after a TV interview, I couldn't believe it was really me speaking. Neither could my family. "OMG, mom! Did you really SAY that!" Well, yes and no. </STRONG> <STRONG>First of all, my flip answer came during a sound check and no one ever got to hear the question that prompted it. And second, that's just it. Next time you're watching TV. . . pay attention. More often than not you will never hear the question . . . . just a carefully edited reply.</STRONG><BR>
<STRONG>Ellen A. Roskovich</STRONG><BR><br /><hr />Stay organized with simple drag and drop from Windows Live Hotmail. <a href='http://windowslive.com/Explore/hotmail?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_hotmail_102008' target='_new'>Try it</a></body>