<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">We live on the South slope (rather than Southwest) of Moscow Mountain, near the junction of Wallen and Brood Roads. We moved out from town in 1993 and our first well produced 1/2 gallon per minute. We got by, barely. About 8 years ago we drilled another well, about the same depth as the first (420 ft). This time, we got 25 gpm, a phenomenal flow for this area. We put in a 12 gpm pump, which we thought would never outpump the well. Beginning about 3 years ago, we found that we could, in fact, pump the well dry. I think that our well's flow rate is now about 8 - 10 gpm; still quite adequate but greatly reduced.<br>
I don't know if our well's performance (or lack of) can be attributed to a drop in the water table or to other causes, but in any case we are very careful about our water usage.<br>
Brent Bradberry<br>
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