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Ted,<br><br>I'd be shocked by this poor man's horror, except for the all-too-similar experience of the Muslim German man, Khaled el-Masri, dragged off a bus on holiday and shipped to Afghanistan where he was beaten and tortured. <br><br>I've read that renditions also occurred during the Clinton Administration. If that's true, it was despicable then and it's despicable now. But it's not something that's happening by accident. I don't think it's comparable to border patrol agents committing crimes. I think it's a planned program.<br><br>Sunil<br><br>> Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 14:12:22 -0700<br>> From: ophite@gmail.com<br>> To: lfalen@turbonet.com<br>> CC: vision2020@moscow.com<br>> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Unbelievable! Canadian Arar Comission On US RenderingOf Arar To Syrian Torture<br>> <br>> The two border patrol agents fired fifteen shots at an unarmed,<br>> fleeing criminal suspect accused of a nonviolent crime. They then<br>> collected the spent bullet casings and filed a false police report.<br>> <br>> That's a crime.<br>> <br>> That may not be a crime worth 20 years in federal prison, but it's a crime.<br>> <br>> -- ACS<br>> <br>> On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 10:49 AM, lfalen <lfalen@turbonet.com> wrote:<br>> > I tis hard to understand the actions of some government officials. It would appear that he should have been turned over to the Canadians not Syria. whether Bush had anything to do with it is is open to question. However there were two boarder guards who were arrested and put in prison for shooting a drug dealer who was trying to escape. Bush has refused to review the case or grant them a pardon. They were doing their job. Nether of these events should have happened.<br>> > This is the best country on earth but bad things still happen at the federal and local level. I will tell a story of something that happen a few years ago in Nevada. A neighbor of my brothers got a phone call that his son was in an accident and was severely injured on the highway a short distance away. He got in his car an headed down the road. At the scene the road was blocked and he was told that he could not go down to the scene even after telling that it was his son. He got in his car and drove around the road block. The State Patrolman who was at the road block ordered him out of the car at gun point. He was arrested and taken to the jail in Reno. He was allowed to call his wife to tell her that their son was dead and he was in jail. He was latter released and told that the Patrolman had over reacted. When they tried to check on the records latter. there wern"t any. According to the records, it never happened.<br>> > Roger<br>> > -----Original message-----<br>> > From: "Ted Moffett" starbliss@gmail.com<br>> > Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 14:02:59 -0700<br>> > To: "vision 2020" vision2020@moscow.com<br>> > Subject: [Vision2020] Unbelievable! Canadian Arar Comission On US RenderingOf Arar To Syrian Torture<br>> ><br>> >> I posted information on this case recently, but upon further reading, I<br>> >> still cannot believe this actually happened to an innocent person traveling<br>> >> through the US... I'll wake up to discover it is a fiction... It should be<br>> >> clear that this case violates basic principles of human rights, habeas<br>> >> corpus among them, the undermining of which places everyone at risk of<br>> >> abuses by government. This is conduct that would be expected from a brutal<br>> >> human rights abusing dictatorship, not from the world's so called leading<br>> >> democracy. Even if Arar was suspected of connections to unlawful behavior<br>> >> based on good evidence, which later turned out to be false, given it has<br>> >> been determined he is innocent, Arar's rendering by the US to Syria to face<br>> >> the torture well known to occur there in detention centers, for 10 months,<br>> >> is... Words fail... Read pages 15-25 from the Toope Report (PDF document at<br>> >> the second URL below), which, if accurate, reveal how Arar's life was<br>> >> destroyed, a man who from this account appears to be morally above the norm:<br>> >><br>> >> http://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/206/301/pco-bcp/commissions/maher_arar/07-09-13/www.ararcommission.ca/eng/index.htm<br>> >><br>> >> http://www.ararcommission.ca/eng/ToopeReport_final.pdf<br>> >> -------<br>> >> http://www.commondreams.org/views06/0920-33.htm<br>> >><br>> >> >From URL immediately above:<br>> >><br>> >> The United States transported Arar to the very same Syria which Bush has<br>> >> been condemning since his first days in office, and as he did again on<br>> >> Tuesday, calling Syria "a crossroad for terrorism." So, will anyone in that<br>> >> somnambulant White House press corps dare ask the president why he would<br>> >> turn over a prisoner to such a government? And an innocent one at that?<br>> >><br>> >> Yes, innocent. On Monday, the Canadian justice who headed a 30-month<br>> >> investigation of this case concluded: "I am able to say categorically that<br>> >> there is no evidence that Mr. Arar has committed any offense." The judge<br>> >> employed characteristic Canadian restraint in concluding in his damning<br>> >> three-volume, 822-page report that "The American authorities who handled Mr.<br>> >> Arar's case treated Mr. Arar in a most regrettable fashion. They removed him<br>> >> to Syria against his wishes and in the face of his statements that he would<br>> >> be tortured if sent there.<br>> >> ------------------------------------------<br>> >> Vision2020 Post: Ted Moffett<br>> >><br>> >><br>> ><br>> > =======================================================<br>> > List services made available by First Step Internet,<br>> > serving the communities of the Palouse since 1994.<br>> > http://www.fsr.net<br>> > mailto:Vision2020@moscow.com<br>> > =======================================================<br>> ><br>> <br>> =======================================================<br>> List services made available by First Step Internet, <br>> serving the communities of the Palouse since 1994. <br>> http://www.fsr.net <br>> mailto:Vision2020@moscow.com<br>> =======================================================<br></body>