Naughty Wiccan Debi muses:<br><br>Indeed. Thanks for pointing out the obvious lack of ability this whiney
<br>ninny has to get with the reality of life on planet earth...sad he and his
<br>ilk are such Neanderthals. Some of them have good genetic qualities which
<br>could be preserved, but most will just die out. Who, other than those with
<br>doomed genes, would want to mate with them? The attractive, high-end genes
<br>survive. His are going down the gene pool drain.....<br><br>Tongue in cheek
(sort of)<br>Debi R-S<br><br><br>Let's hope they do not all die out, else whence will come future village locksmiths?<br clear="all"><br>Gray Tree Crab aka "Big Bertha"