<BR> <BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid"> <div><BR>There are people who talk about a Nuclear Renaissance - have they forgotten the dangers of nuclear power and its waste? This is why we do what we do! <BR><BR>ľ This week we mark the 30th anniversary of the nuclear reactor accident at Three-Mile Island, Pennsylvania. After the partial meltdown, all the debris from the reactor's core, including damaged, irradiated fuel, was shipped to Idaho. <BR><BR>ľ Also, this week, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals reaffirmed a lower court decision that the Department of Energy is obligated to remove something like 750,000 boxes, barrels, and crates of transuranic waste buried at the Idaho National Laboratory's Radioactive Waste Management Complex between 1954 and 1970. The pits and trenches that hold the waste are not lined, and contamination has escaped and reached the Snake River Aquifer. These burial grounds have
worried Idahoans-justifiably-for decades. <BR><BR>The State of Idaho's efforts to force the Department of Energy to dig up plutonium-contaminated waste buried above the Snake River Aquifer began 35 years ago. When the Snake River Alliance mounted its Stop the Shipments campaign our members were the bedrock on which the State could take an even stronger stand and sue the DOE. A series of lawsuits was finally settled in 1995 requiring all transuranic waste located at the Idaho National Laboratory be removed from the state by no later than 2018. Read more on the 1995 Settlement Agreement . . . . <BR><BR>ľ And, last week the Idaho Legislature voted in favor of giving a French government owned nuclear giant, Areva, millions of dollars in tax breaks if they choose eastern Idaho for its uranium enrichment plant. The facility would import a uranium concentrate, called "yellow cake," and then separate out the rare uranium-235 to be used in nuclear reactor fuel - leaving tons of
nuclear waste in Idaho and taking their profits back to France. <BR><BR>ľ Take part in the rally on Tuesday, April 1 in front of the Legislative Annex at the corner of Jefferson and 6th street at 12:30 pm. in Boise. </div> <div> </div> <div>Tell Areva you are not welcome here! </div> <div> </div> <div>Make it be known, the people of Idaho are no fools when it comes to nuclear power and its waste!<BR><BR>Our postal address is <BR>Snake River Alliance</div> <div>PO Box 1731<BR>Boise, Idaho 83701<BR>United States<BR><BR></div></BLOCKQUOTE><BR><p> 
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