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Roger,<br><br>Since you support the war, how will a tax cut help us pay for it? We're not even trying to pay for it now, just sticking our kids with the debt. Shouldn't we be paying it down?<br><br>Sunil<br><br>> Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 14:05:20 -0800<br>> From: lfalen@turbonet.com<br>> To: donovanjarnold2005@yahoo.com; sunilramalingam@hotmail.com; vision2020@moscow.com<br>> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] How Could Anyone Support That Woman?<br>> <br>> Donovan<br>> I disagree that McCain is the only Republican that can stop Hillary. I think that Romney can. I like a lot of things about McCain. He has been one of the strongest voces in support of the surge. A lot of his other positions are not vary conservative. Both him and Huckabee could result in a third party try by Ron Paul.This would insure a win by either Hilllary or Obama. Don't get my wrong there is a lot about Paul that I like on the domestic front. He is dead wrong on foreign policy however. I would like to see someone come out against the rebates. This is all just campaigning by both parties. To administer the rebate would be costly to administer in addition to the cost of the rebate per se. It would do nothing for the economy. A permanent tax cut would simulate the economy. Some incentives to business would also help. There should not be a bailout for financial institutions that have made bad loans or for those that have received them. Those that have been financially responsible<br>> should not have to pay for the bad judgement of those that have not. I get vey disgusted when I hear adds that say "Bad credit, no problem, we will give you a loan." I do not want to bail these people out. <br>> Anyone can have a temporary financial problem. Through hard work they can overcome it. My son lost his job last spring. His wife went back to work at a bullet factory. She then was able it go back to work for the University Extension Service. She in now the County Agent at Shoshone. My son took a temporary job with Flying J as a janitor. He is now the Night Production Supervisor for Mcains. We helped them get through the rough spots. The have since paid us back.<br>> Roger<br>> <br>> -----Original message-----<br>> From: Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005@yahoo.com<br>> Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 19:33:43 -0800<br>> To: lfalen lfalen@turbonet.com, Sunil Ramalingam sunilramalingam@hotmail.com, vision2020@moscow.com<br>> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] How Could Anyone Support That Woman?<br>> <br>> > Roger,<br>> > <br>> > I think the worst case scenario is not to have McCain as the Republican nominee if Hillary is the Democratic nominee because she will win against any other Republican. <br>> > <br>> > This country is itching to elect the most moderate Democrat in the next election. McCain is the closest candidate they have that fits that description. <br>> > <br>> > I prefer Romney over McCain. And I prefer Obama out of all the candidates. However, if it is McCain or Hillary, I choose McCain. <br>> > <br>> > I predict that Hillary will be the Democratic nominee.<br>> > I predict Romney will be the Republican nominee. <br>> > I predict that Bloomberg will enter as an Independent.<br>> > <br>> > I predict Hillary will win with between 38-44% of the popular vote but an electoral landslide. <br>> > <br>> > There are only two people that can stop Hillary, they are named Obama and McCain, and they are going to be snuffed out in their party's primary because they nomination process is rigged to favor the wishes of the elite members of the party. <br>> > <br>> > Here is the plan:<br>> > <br>> > G.H.W.Bush<br>> > B. Clinton<br>> > G. W. Bush<br>> > H. Clinton<br>> > J. Bush<br>> > C. Clinton<br>> > G.P. Bush<br>> > <br>> > Best Regards,<br>> > <br>> > Donovan <br>> > <br>> > lfalen <lfalen@turbonet.com> wrote:<br>> > The worst possible choices for conservatives and ultimately the country, would be either Hillary vs McCain or Hillary vs Huckabee. While McCain is a war hero and Huckabee is strong on family issues, both are wrong on most issues.<br>> > Roger<br>> > -----Original message-----<br>> > From: Sunil Ramalingam sunilramalingam@hotmail.com<br>> > Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 10:44:00 -0800<br>> > To: vision2020@moscow.com<br>> > Subject: Re: [Vision2020] How Could Anyone Support That Woman?<br>> > <br>> > > <br>> > > Keely,<br>> > > <br>> > > My feelings about Hillary Rodham Clinton have nothing to do with her gender. If she's the nominee I may yet force myself to vote for her, but it will be hard. Her continuing position on the Iraq war, her vote for Kyl-Lieberman are just two of the problems I have with her. <br>> > > <br>> > > Sunil<br>> > > <br>> > > From: kjajmix1@msn.com<br>> > > To: debismith@moscow.com; donovanjarnold2005@yahoo.com; vision2020@moscow.com<br>> > > Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 09:07:50 -0800<br>> > > Subject: Re: [Vision2020] How Could Anyone Support That Woman?<br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > I can't help but wonder if much of the vitriol against the candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton (do we call her H-ROD C now, Dale?) has to do not with THAT woman, but that WOMAN.<br>> > > <br>> > > I am not a big fan of Hillary Clinton, and I wouldn't support anyone just because she was a woman, but if she is the nominee, I'll proudly vote for THAT WOMAN over THAT REPUBLICAN, all of whose ideas seem utterly tired and not at all helpful to the poor.<br>> > > <br>> > > Keely<br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > From: debismith@moscow.com<br>> > > To: donovanjarnold2005@yahoo.com; vision2020@moscow.com<br>> > > Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 21:53:46 -0800<br>> > > Subject: Re: [Vision2020] How Could Anyone Support That Woman?<br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > Question. <br>> > > Donovan, is there anyone you have, in the <br>> > > past, supported whom you currently support, anywhere, for any reason, and <br>> > > why? Is there an agenda or position in which you truly believe? How did you get <br>> > > there and why are you still there?<br>> > > <br>> > > I have seen you support something, then do a <br>> > > complete turnaround in a short period of time. I have registered your <br>> > > disapproval and watched that morph into approval for the same stance you were <br>> > > ranting against 2 months ago. I understand (and approve of) people changing <br>> > > their minds given new info, but have yet to see you stand, longterm and over <br>> > > rough roads, for anything that doesn't personally impact you or the people with <br>> > > whom you personally hold a stake.<br>> > > <br>> > > I am sure, given that you are a caring <br>> > > person, there must be something for which you will stand in any situation. <br>> > > What is it? Do you have a defining personal committment? Just asking, no need to <br>> > > answer if you choose not to do so.<br>> > > <br>> > > Debi R-S<br>> > > <br>> > > ----- Original Message ----- <br>> > > From: <br>> > > Donovan Arnold <br>> > > To: vision2020@moscow.com <br>> > > Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 5:26 <br>> > > PM<br>> > > Subject: [Vision2020] How Could Anyone <br>> > > Support That Woman?<br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > Honestly!<br>> > > <br>> > > I use to support her. But, after having to listen to her and her husband, <br>> > > I am thoroughly disgusted! I cannot stand her anymore. She and her husband <br>> > > have turned me off to the point that I will vote for any other candidate <br>> > > running, Obama, Edwards, Romney, McCain, Huckabee, Gravel, or anyone else she <br>> > > wants to drag into the muddy where she feels well at home.<br>> > > <br>> > > If there was ANY doubt in my mind that this woman would drop an <br>> > > A-Bomb on preschool children to be president, she has erased that remaining <br>> > > doubt. <br>> > > <br>> > > This couple will screw anybody over, including each other, to maintain <br>> > > and have power. <br>> > > <br>> > > I can tell you, Hillary has motivated me to vote again, and it is gonna <br>> > > be for her strongest challenger at every point. She is a nasty, nasty, <br>> > > mean, evil wicked woman with ZERO morals or sense of right and wrong, she <br>> > > is all about her, and only her. I think she is a total fake, a fraud, and <br>> > > totally undeserving of any position of authority. And I really wish someone <br>> > > would do a special on all her multimillion dollar plastic surgery. Nothing <br>> > > about this woman is real except her deception. I cannot believe I actually <br>> > > followed this woman, and wanted her to be president. Yuck, how could I be so <br>> > > stupid. Her true colors are coming out. <br>> > > <br>> > > Best Regards,<br>> > > <br>> > > Donovan Arnold<br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try <br>> > > it now.<br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > =======================================================<br>> > > List <br>> > > services made available by First Step Internet, <br>> > > serving the <br>> > > communities of the Palouse since 1994. <br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > http://www.fsr.net <br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > > mailto:Vision2020@moscow.com<br>> > > =======================================================<br>> > > <br>> > > Need to know the score, the latest news, or you need your HotmailŪ-get your "fix". Check it out.<br>> > > <br>> > > <br>> > <br>> > =======================================================<br>> > List services made available by First Step Internet, <br>> > serving the communities of the Palouse since 1994. <br>> > http://www.fsr.net <br>> > mailto:Vision2020@moscow.com<br>> > =======================================================<br>> > <br>> > <br>> > ---------------------------------<br>> > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.<br>> > <br></body>