I think I've discovered the heart of Calvinism. Whatever is pleasant is predestined.<br>Whatever is nice and merry and makes Calvinists feel good about themselves is<br>right and in God's will. After all, if the future is bleak and those that we love may<br> not be in Heaven with us, why, then that can't be the truth. Therefore these<br> infant baptism and half-way covenant issues spring up because it makes the<br> Reformed happy to know that if their children are baptized, they automatically go<br> to Heaven.<br>It seems perhaps overly simplified, so tack on that God predestined it, and there<br>you go! Life is roses again. And all your enemies are going to Hell, and they're<br>(the enemies) are predestined to Hell (so the Calvinists say), so again, life is good. And if anyone dares to speak out against Christ Church, why then, they<br>claim persecution! And freely so, in such a free nation as this where the
ability<br>to even declare that one is being persecuted can be made.<br> It is blissful to be a Calvinist.<br>Unfortunately, Jesus did not have it so merry. If going to Heaven was based on<br>predestination, then I suppose Jesus did not have to preach to the multitudes. <br>Jesus wasted quite a few words, then.<br>I only bring it up because I was reading a book, and one of the characters was<br>described as being good Calvinist. The scenario was that she she had a choice<br>between a weekly meeting with an old friend who enjoyed her presence or <br>going to a show. She decided that since tickets were already bought for the <br>show, she had no choice to say no to going, and therefore decided that hurting<br>the other's feelings was predestined, because in reality, she really wanted to<br>go to the show anyway, and not meet the old friend. So she kidded herself and <br>declared it destiny, and therefore, the author called her a good
Calvinist. <br>Because whatever is predestined is good, right? Because it makes us happy.<br>If, at any time, a Calvinist is not happy, it is not God's will.<br>Or so it seems, right?<br>Wasn't there a Scripture that said it's not God's will that any man should perish?<br>But some still do, don't they?<br>I suppose that should be stricken from the Bible because God did not really<br>mean to "say" that.<br>As for the French, I saw in one post that C. Witmer was decrying Rose Huskey<br>because she generalized the French as accepting Nazism. As I recall from<br>my history lessons, the French resistance was quite small. Actually, if one<br>thinks about it, if most of the proud mighty French were against Nazism, wouldn't<br> they have stopped the spread of Hitler instead of leaving it to a small minority?<br>Perhaps I am wrong...<br><p> 
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