<p>Pasted in this message is a letter to the editor from tonight's Daily News by Gerard Connelly, with which I wholeheartedly agree. My on-line comments on the DN's web site follow the letter.</p><p>Bruce Livingston</p><p /><p style="FONT-SIZE: 10px; font-color: gray">Monday, October 1, 2007 - Page Updated at 12:00:00 AM</p><span style="FONT-SIZE: 14px"><p /><p /><p /><p><strong></strong></p><p>Refrain from personal attacks</p><p>Recently two letters to the editor in the Daily News contained gross personal attacks against members of the Greater Moscow Alliance that I believe deserve a response.</p><p>One writer, in reference to the newly passed housing ordinance, stated that the only thing the GMA cares about is profit. Another writer stated that GMA members are "evil" and "hate children."</p><p>I happened to serve on a board whose sole purpose is to care for and support Latah County residents with disabilities, with two GMA members, including Steve Bus!
ch, GMA
president.</p><p>Busch (as well as many other GMA members) has for decades contributed, with great generosity, his money, time and energy to many organizations and causes in Moscow for the benefit of children, the disabled, the elderly and the poor. He is absolutely one of the best human beings that it has ever been my privilege to know.</p><p>I may not always agree with Moscow Mayor Nancy Chaney but, like Busch, she is highly intelligent, of impeccable integrity and generosity and I believe her sole motivation is what she sincerely believes to be in the best interest of the citizens of Moscow.</p><p>I implore readers of the Daily News and writers of letters to the editor to speak out on the issues on a level of mutual respect and to refrain from personal attacks and judgment of other's motives.</p><p><strong>L. Gerard Connelly, </strong>Moscow</p></span><p /><p>I commend Gerard Connelly on his request that people refrain from the personal attacks in this upcoming, very comp!
election. I, too, have the greatest respect for my neighbor, Steve Busch, and our Mayor Nancy Chaney. They are both great people who sincerely believe that their vision of what is best for Moscow is right, even though they disagree in that vision not on everything, of course, but in some very significant ways.</p><p>Attacks on people who have a different vision are uncalled for. I don't believe that anyone at the GMA or the MCA or our city government or any of our candidates is "Evil" or "hates children" or "doesn't care about the poor because they opposed a Wal-Mart." </p><p>The MCA and the current council have been hit with a continuous mantra that we are anti-business and anti-growth, and while I disagree strenuously with that notion, I can live with the fact that others disagree with our vision. That is what elections are for.</p><p>In the same way, I have some significant differences with my friends in the GMA, and I would hope th!
at we can
disagree amicably, but respectfully. </p><p>Kudos to Gerard for saying so.</p><p>BDL</p><p />