Hi,<br><br>I am posting to this list server once again in an effort to communicate to others the results of posting on the internet.<br><br>I have been sued by a company in the Seattle area, for publishing what they say is defamatory commentary online. Although I believe that I am justified in my assertions about this company, I am in the middle of a lawsuit.
<br><br>I am publishing about this lawsuit at <a href="http://www.itex-itex.blogspot.com">www.itex-itex.blogspot.com</a><br><br>Periodically, I check to see if anyone on this list server has posted about me. From time to time, someone does - and the words are very strong against what I did four years ago on this forum.
<br><br><br>I want to say that I apologize to all the members of this forum, past and present, for saying the things that I did. I see that Vision2020 is a unique forum, potentially giving a community the opportunity to air differences and make progress. I have to say that I feel partly responsible for what has happened to this forum and the tone people take towards each other now.
<br><br>I encourage you to rewind the clock, back to about 2002, when discourse was civil on this forum. Because, honestly, I feel that the tone of the posters against each other on this site could very well lead to real altercations in your community - like violence and property crimes.
<br><br>That's all I have to say.<br><br>- Douglas Stambler<br>