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I initially chose not to respond directly to Doug Farris' contention that my responses today to some of his statements are an indication that this weekend's conference on gender, justice, and Scripture had gotten, as he put it, my "head all a'spinning."<br><br>But then I thought . . . wait a minute. <br><br>Even if he were correct, would that be such a bad thing? A little intellectual foment is good for what ails ya, and Lord knows I've been ailing from the last few years of witnessing jaw-droppingly corrupt and careless theology. The thing is, though, Doug has little to worry about from my head whirling around with new scholarly energy. <br><br>No, it's my heart and soul that are in motion -- spinning, humming, and brimming over from the effect of true things better understood -- and I think that perhaps that might present much, much more of a problem to those who insist on contaminating the Gospel by subjugating women, insulting non-believers, and cozying up to groups and institutions that seek to deny justice to people in Jesus' name. <br><br>So, yeah, Doug. I'm back. And I think I brought home something more valuable than, say, a Denver airport T-shirt or shot glass. But you can have my CBE tote bag if you want . . . I've got several.<br><br>keely<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><span style="font-style: italic;"></span><br><br /><hr />New home for Mom, no cleanup required. <a href='http://www.reallivemoms.com?ocid=TXT_TAGHM&loc=us' target='_new'>All starts here.</a></body>