It takes everyone to make Moscow a better place to live. Working together, residents, neighborhoods, government, schools, churches, businesses, clubs, and organizations can accomplish much more than they can when they work separately. Different groups have different resources and skills, as well as different limitations. If we all have a common objective of improving our community, we can find ways to accomplish this faster and more effectively when we work together.<br><h2>What improvements are needed? What can we do? What should we do? What can YOU do?<br></h2>Here are some ideas to start with. Together, we can make Moscow even greater.<br><u><b>Safety and Security<br></b></u>Fire - Moscow's fire dept is manned by volunteers. If you are able, you should consider joining the fire department. Our fire dept has always been there for us, saving many lives and preventing the destruction of homes and
properties. These volunteers deserve our thanks, and they need our support.<br>-Keep your street clear and clean. Don't put your leaves on the street. Sweep the street in front of your home or business to keep it free from sand or leaves.<br>-Don't take chances, if something doesn't look or feel right -call the police and let them check it out.<br><u><b>Parks, Recreation, and Athletics<br></b></u>If Moscow's children and young adults have positive activities to be involved with, they will be much less likely to become involved with drugs or criminal activity. The more positive choices and experiences we can provide our youth, the better. Of course, recreation and athletics are not just for kids! Adults and seniors need opportunities for physical fitness and recreation too!<br>-Let's add more parks and paths<br><u><b>Education<br></b></u><u>We need to support our schools</u>. Our schools provide more than just academic
instruction. They provide buildings, playgrounds, and fields that everyone can use and benefit from. <br>-An Analysis of National Data by the Department of Health and Human Services found that students who spend no time in extracurricular activities are 57 percent more likely to have dropped out of school by the time they would have been high school seniors; 49 percent more likely to have used drugs; 37 percent more likely to have become teen parents; 35 percent more likely to have smoked cigarettes; and 27 percent more likely to have been arrested than those who spend one to four hours per week in extracurricular activities.<br><u><b>Environment<br></b></u>What can we do, and should we do to keep our air, water, and land clean? <br><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span style="font-weight: bold;"></span></span><u><b>Aesthetics</b></u><br>Keep Moscow Beautiful! Help to make it better. What can we do to fix up our
streets, public properties, and private properties? As we know, you can fix up your own property all you want, but if you have a rose among thorns, your property will never be valuable.<br><u><b><br></b></u><br><br><BR><BR>Tom & Liz Ivie<p> 
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