All-<br><br>Late last night when listening to the John Rothman show (1-5 AM Saturday) on KGO AM 810 from San Francisco, the recent Supreme Court 5/4 decision on employment discrimination, and justice Ginsberg's dissenting opinion, was the topic. Much to my astonishment, a call came in from a certain Linda in Moscow, Idaho! I don't think there is a violation of privacy in mentioning this on Vision2020, given that someone talking to tens of thousands of people from Alaska to Baja on the public airwaves certainly expects their comments to be public.
<br><br>The caller said they were "appalled, no pun intended" at the Supreme Court employment discrimination ruling, revealing that they had worked with employment legal issues, and that the 180 day time limitation on citing instances of discrimination in a suit, that this Supreme Court decision supported, would render employment discrimination suits very difficult, given that establishing patterns of discrimination over periods of years is often necessary. Could it be that the comment "appalled, no pun intended" was a reference to Linda Pall's name? The caller never did actually give their full name, that I heard, but they certainly implied they were a lawyer.
<br><br>Was that you, Linda?<br><br>Another caller mentioned that this US Supreme Court decision was a gift to many corporations, who may have been facing serious financial penalties for past employment discrimination extending back over decades. It was also suggested the US Congress should pass legislation to address this unfortunate US Supreme Court ruling.
<br><br>The issue of the five member Catholic majority on the court (Kennedy, Scalia, Thomas, and recent Bush appointees Roberts and Alito), which was the majority in the employment discrimination case, also came up as as issue, especially in regards to attempts to overturn Roe v. Wade, which with this current court is seriously threatened. It is well known, of course, that the official position of the Catholic Church on abortion is what is termed "pro life," not "pro choice."
<br><br>Ted Moffett<br>