Sunil,<br><br>I do appreciate the desire not to have ones private messages made public, and I assure you I will not name any names. The vast majority of the off-list replies I received seem to be from anonymous internet denizens themselves, and I only recognize one name amongst them (which I will not post). I will not post anything but the "definitions" that I have been sent, without any attribution. Several of the responses were so amazingly over the top, and so blatantly offensive, that I think Vision2020 would benefit from trying to deflect them.
<br><br>In the interest of keeping peace (and in no small part due to my own poor behavior), I will delay posting any of those replies until tomorrow at the soonest. If you sent me a "nugget of wisdom", and do not wish it to be repeated publicly (without referencing the author in any way), let me know, and I will abide by your wishes.