<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV class=RTE><PRE wrap=""><FONT size=+0><FONT face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">Personally I don't find what the College Republicans are doing as offensive but thought some of you </FONT></FONT></PRE><PRE wrap=""><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3>might be interested.</FONT></PRE><PRE wrap=""><FONT size=+0><FONT face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"></FONT></FONT> </PRE><PRE wrap=""><FONT size=+0><FONT face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"></FONT></FONT> </PRE><PRE wrap=""><FONT size=+0><FONT face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">The following is a message forwarded by
Francisco Salinas
Director of Multicultural Affairs
Office of Multicultural Affairs
University of Idaho
Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) 230
PO Box 442439
Moscow, ID 83844-2439
Phone: (208) 885-7716
Fax: (208) 885-9494
<A class=moz-txt-link-abbreviated title=blocked::mailto:fsalinas@uidaho.edu href="mailto:fsalinas@uidaho.edu">fsalinas@uidaho.edu</A>
<SPAN>The Ladies of Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc. at the University of Idaho along with many other students, faculty, and staff of the University of Idaho, are very offended and outraged about the the upcoming event sponsored by the College Republicans at Boise State University.
College Republicans are inviting Robert Vasquez to speak on the BSU campus during the Cesar Chavez recognition. Candidate Vasquez continues to invoke the most divisive and mean-spirited means possible in his consideration of the complex and sensitive issue of immigration. His perpetuation of these means has spawned the same kind of stereotype-laden and racist context surrounding this issue, which we now see students replicating on the BSU campus. We feel that this kind of racist communication must be identified and challenged, especially in our institutions of higher education.
Therefore, we have created a pledge sheet where people can give their support by pledging a small quantity of money; for example, fifty cents or a dollar for every minute that Vasquez speaks in <?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = ST1 /><ST1:STATE w:st="on">Idaho</ST1:STATE> by the <ST1:STATE w:st="on"><ST1:PLACE w:st="on">Idaho</ST1:PLACE></ST1:STATE> Hispanic Caucus. So, for every minute he speaks he is helping us raise money, which can be used for student scholarships. The purpose of this idea is to make "lemonade out of lemons" by making of a shameful and racist event a positive and helpful tool to contribute to the Hispanic community.
I have attached the pledge sheet and the racist and hateful advertisement poster that the CR created. I hope we have your support and help in spreading this pledge sheet to students, faculty, staff, and community members who would like to make "lemonade out of lemons."
If you would like to donate to this cause, please reply to me at <A class=moz-txt-link-abbreviated title=blocked::mailto:vene0022@uidaho.edu href="mailto:vene0022@uidaho.edu">vene0022@uidaho.edu</A> with your contact information and amount you would like to donate.
Thank you for your support!
</SPAN></FONT></FONT><FONT size=+0><FONT face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">[from Lucia Christensen, an amazing young leader in the Latina founded sorority, Lambda Theta Alpha. Please consider lending your support to their efforts].</FONT></FONT>
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