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<P><FONT face="Arial,Helvetica,Univers,Zurich BT" size=2><B>Support our Troops - Drop-off box at Cactus</B></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=2><FONT face="Arial,Helvetica,Univers,Zurich BT">Suggested items: </FONT><B>Beanie babies</B><SPAN id=Listing1> (They love to give these out to the Iraqi children and they fit in their pockets nicely). Any other small plush toy will also do. <B>Personal hygiene items</B> (toothpaste, deodorant, lotion, hand sanitizer, wipes, ect...) <B>Mach 3 razors & blades</B>, <B>snack foods </B>and<B> crackers</B>, <B>Hard candy</B>, (no chocolate - it melts) <B>Current magazines</B> of any kind, (most of these soldiers are young and they like to read magazines about sports, cars, etc. Don't forget about the female soldiers, they like the more feminine magazines, but they say anything is better than nothing! Packs of <B>hot chocolate, microwave popcorn</B>, but most importantly, <B>personal letters from you</B>! What they treasure the most
is hearing from people back home that take the time to write to them. They want to hear about you, your life, family, anything you want to tell them. </SPAN></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=2>The<SPAN id=Listing1> addresses and contact information come from AnySoldier.com They give the packages and letters to the soldiers that don't usually get mail from home or packages. It costs $8.00 to send a package, so money gifts are welcome too, of course.</SPAN></FONT></P></DIV></div><br clear=all><hr> <a href="http://g.msn.com/8HMAENUS/2728??PS=47575" target="_top">Find what you need at prices you’ll love. Compare products and save at MSN® Shopping.</a> </html>