Austin Storm wrote on Wed., July 26, 2006, "No one says that you have to read<br>hundreds of pages of Canon books to understand the truth. You're thinking of<br>Scientology."<br><br>Response: Sir, I know exactly what I am thinking about, and if you had as much <br>insight (bothering to read correctly would help) as you do for smug zeal, you<br>would also. I never stated that one has to read hundreds of pages of "Canon" <br>books. "Canon" books didn't even enter my mind, though evidently you think<br>you can. The inference was to Kirk approved material, as is evidenced by your<br>ad on Doug Wilson's site among other approved books not published by Canon<br>Press. In fact, to be exact we've been told one must read at least 1500 pages<br>of commentary to understand CC's point of "truth" on a particular point of<br>theology.<br><br>AS. again wrote: "Who is 'running to the authorities?' Do you have an objection<br>to filing a police report
when your house or car is vandalised?"<br><br>Response: I could not have said it better than these individuals: See Vision 2020<br>posts from Joe Campbell to Tony Simpson, "Echoes From the Whinery" <br>July 28, 2006; from Joan Opyr "Escalation of claims (was: Echoes from the<br>Whinery)" July 28, 2006 and "Escalation of claims NOT normal procedure"<br>July 29, 2006; from Keely Emerinemix on July 29, 2006 "Echoes From the <br>Whinery", and from Ted Moffett on July 29, 2006 "Escalation of claims NOT<br>normal procedure." And let's not forget running to our governor to see what<br>trouble can be caused for a couple of professors one's not in agreement with.<br><br>AS. wrote: "I love John Newton and William Wilberforce. I especially admire<br>Wilberforce's work to abolish slavery."<br><br>Response: Good for you. Let's hope this bit of light will shine on many more <br>Kirkers.<br><br>AS. wrote: "3 lies / slanders. Do you
have any neat parables about cowards<br>who try to tear people down anonymously?"<br><br>Response: Not correct. And cowardice you decry (though I've not seen it for<br>your Kirker anonymous supporters), but wisdom dictates otherwise given D.W.'s<br>penchant for maliciousness. It may not just be myself that I choose to shield<br>from the sweet balm of the Kirkhood. Let's see: naming minors, social and<br>economic shunning, unsubstantiated accusations, not to mention their sweet<br>taste for ridicule, mockery, taunting and whatever else an obedient serrated<br>little Kirker mouth can vomit out, but no wonder, what person can keep all of<br>that vile bile in. Lies and deceit rationalized as godly for the Kirkhood <br>Postmillennial Jihad. And such courage and morals Christ Church emanates<br>in not listing the home addresses of certain students living in certain illegal<br>boarding houses in their church directory (happy to publish
addresses if you're<br>in apartments or student housing though :) ! ); see<br>"You Know You're in a Cult if..." Christ Church email, Sat., Aug. 17, 2006. But <br>"plundering the Egyptians" seems to be the Kirk's mandate instead of spreading <br>the Gospel. For the time being, while it's within my control and God so wills, I<br> choose not to have mine and me suffer such needless "persecution."<br><br>Anyone interested can see an excellent post on anonymity entitled "On <br>Anonymity and Open Discourse", July 29, 2006 by Kevin D. Johnson on<br> -- though this isn't an endorsement of everything<br>on this site.<br><br>Wow, someone that's been here a full two years! What facts and wisdom you've <br>accumulated in that amount of time to make such judgments over those who<br>have been living in Kirkland for many years over two and whom you know not<br>one iota with whom you are
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