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<div>I guess the problem has been fixed. </div>
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<div>Bill London said a power outage caused the problems...</div>
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<div>I think what happened, just my assumption based on the facts, is that an earlier list of e-mail subscriber/passwords and Vision2020 web site access functions became applied to how the list functioned. As if an earlier version of subscriber list/passwords and Vision2020 web site functions suddenly was "reborn."
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<div>So if you were a relatively new subscriber, there was no prior account info for the list to go back to for you. It would just block your e-mails from the list and account access. If you had had the same account info for many years, you might not notice anything, except the subscriber list access, which hardly anyone looks at anyway.
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<div>In my case, I was subscribed years ago under "tbertruss" with a different password than now. Suddenly I was getting mail at my "tbertruss" address, which is still active. Also, I had to look up my old password to get into my account info under "tbertruss." The system remembered this info! This reveals that somewhere in computer land, my old password info is stored! I could use my old "tbertruss" address and old password to get into my "old" Vision2020 account, and on top of that, just as it once was in more "trusting" days, when an ordinary list member could view the subscriber list, I could get into the subscriber list using my "tbertruss" address and old password.
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<div>What I wonder is whether the subscriber list I saw yesterday is the current one, or an earlier version. Vision2020 had less than 500 total subscribers years ago, yet the info I saw yesterday on the subscriber list indicated 520 total subscribers, combining digested and non-digested, not counting a few "private" addresses. This info is plainly displayed at the top of the web page for the subscriber list.
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<div>This tells me that, despite all the complaining about Vision2020 content, and declarations the list is dead, it is drawing a bigger audience than it had years ago.</div>
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<div>"Yellow" journalism sells!</div>
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<div>Ted<br> </div>