Keely,<br> <br> Click on the link below.<br> <br> _DJA<br> <br><br><br> <br> <br><b><i>keely emerinemix <></i></b> wrote:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> Can someone point me to any link wherein Doug makes such an accusation, <br>naming the four by name?<br><br>keely<br><br><br>From: Donovan Arnold <donovanjarnold2005""><br>To: "g. crabtree" <jampot"">, J Ford <privatejf32"">, <br><br>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Property tax cut?<br>Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 22:28:41 -0700 (PDT)<br><br><br>"Dougie, on the other hand, has NO proof, NO evidence, NO witnesses,<br>NO real reason to have named four 35-50(+) year old people as doing what<br>amounts to teen-type of pranks in a police report TWO WEEKS after he says <br>they<br>occurred and
AFTER he says he reported them." --JFord<br><br>Jackie, How do you KNOW this for fact unless you are monitoring his<br>property 24 hours a day? I think Doug Wilson has all this video recorded.<br>You can buy a home video recording system now for less than $100.<br>Also, anyone on his property at the time of the crimes can snap a picture<br>on their cell phone and send it to an email account for just<br>25 cents. I think Wilson could afford both.<br><br>I want the people to be caught. Anyone who vandalizes is a menace and a <br>coward, regardless<br>of who it is and who they are doing it to. I hate it when people mess with <br>my<br>stuff. If they have an issue with me, take it up with me, not my property. <br>Vandals<br>raise our taxes through law enforcement, and our insurance rates.<br><br>Nails in a vehicle tire is also more than a teenage prank. It is very <br>DANGEROUS and could<br>seriously injury or kill somebody if a tire blows out on a
highway.<br><br>_DJA<br><br><br><br><br><br>"g. crabtree" <jampot""> wrote: Rather then take any of the <br>silliness that has been liberally ladled out<br>here in the past few postings at face value, I hauled my lard out into the<br>warm summer sunshine and down to the MPD to ask some extremely helpful and<br>patient people some rather dull questions. Here are some of the results of<br>my queries.<br><br>First, there are five officers on duty for the day shift and the swing<br>shift. There are three officers on duty for the graveyard shift. Due to the<br>way shifts overlap there is only a four hour block where there is only three<br>officers on patrol. (generally the quietest portion of any of the shifts)<br>The assertion that during the busiest shift there are only two officers<br>working is hogwash. Period.<br><br>Second, all officers accrue vacation time at the same rate as other city<br>employees and the staffing is such that the officers who desire to
do so,<br>get to take it. Nobody is not allowed to take their vacation time because of<br>short staffing.<br><br>Third, all officers work approximately a 40 hr. week. Guys on the swing and<br>graveyard shifts do sometimes rack up some overtime due to the nature of<br>their shift. Also overtime is put in for special events (games, rendezvous,<br>renaissance fair, etc.) this is widely regarded as a good thing by the<br>officers. Time off appears to be the last thing these people want.<br><br>Fourth, response time in Moscow is lightning fast for emergency calls. In a<br>situation where harm might befall a citizen, the police drop everything and<br>respond right now. Matters of lesser urgency do take a back seat but I was<br>assured that all calls are responded to within 30 min. unless other<br>arrangements are made with the reporting party.<br><br>Fifth, there is no reason that people shouldn't know about what's going on<br>in there neighborhood. The link that Dan C. provided
gives one access to the<br>police log and from that it's child's play to know exactly what's up around<br>your home. No need to wait to hear it third, fourth, or fifth hand.<br><br>Sixth, when extra patrol is requested at any given location it means that<br>the police will drive by a little more often then they might have otherwise.<br>It does not mean that they will be parked in that persons driveway keeping<br>their mailbox safe from a spent French letter. Sorry, hansen.<br><br>Finally, the officer that I was speaking with did allow as how having a<br>couple of extra personnel for the day shift would help to keep the paperwork<br>from piling up and create a little less of a burden for the rest of the guys<br>but absolutely nothing was mentioned that led me to think that from a safety<br>(ours or the officers) point of view, these folks didn't have it completely<br>under control. Now hows about a little sanity be allowed to enter into this<br>discussion,
allrighty?<br><br>G. Crabtree<br>----- Original Message -----<br>From: "J Ford"<br><br>To:<br>Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 12:35 PM<br>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Property tax cut?<br><br><br> > Did you happen to look at those reports or are you just trying to make a<br> > sick point? Do you happen to know WHO made those calls in that you<br> > referred<br> > to? Was it the same person or many people? There are LOT of addresses <br>on<br> > that or any street. How about the fact that a LOT of time is being spent<br> > by<br> > the cops on A street, First, Main, Third, Lilly, West Pullman, etc. So,<br> > what exactly do you think? That everyone that repeatedly calls in for<br> > those<br> > above-mentioned streets, are making false police reports? That they are<br> > abusing the system? Don't think so.<br> ><br> > Dougie, on the other hand, has NO proof, NO evidence, NO witnesses, NO<br> > real<br> > reason to have named
four 35-50(+) year old people as doing what amounts<br> > to<br> > teen-type of pranks in a police report TWO WEEKS after he says they<br> > occurred<br> > and AFTER he says he reported them. There are now four citizens who have<br> > "police records" because one sick guy decides to play wounded and make<br> > false<br> > accusations. THAT is a waste of cop-man-power and an ABUSE of the legal<br> > system. He has many, many boys that he could enlist the aide of to watch<br> > his home....believe me, the neighbors watch it enough and they have NOT<br> > seen<br> > any of this kind of stuff happening to him.<br> ><br> > And why don't you try talking to the cops. They have two people working<br> > DAY-TIME hours, during the busiest part of the day and there are times<br> > when<br> > that is all they have during the night. Don't know where you live (don't<br> > wanna) but there are sirens going off at all times of the
day and night<br> > and<br> > the cops are going from one of end town to another all the time; and they<br> > are trying to get to all the calls they need to in the time they need to.<br> ><br> > Why is it that some people are so quick to increase the City personnel,<br> > but<br> > they leave the cops and fire personnel hanging? Like they aren't<br> > important<br> > enough to warrant more trained bodies? But an office needs a secretary?<br> > Please. Get your own darn coffee. But put more cops on the road,<br> > increase<br> > their pay/benefits and allow them the union.<br> ><br> > J :]<br> ><br> ><br> ><br> ><br> ><br> >>From: "Dan Carscallen"<br> >>To:<br> >>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Property tax cut?<br> >>Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 11:58:27 -0700<br> >><br> >>Tom says:<br> >>". . . two cops on duty at any given time in a town of 20,000 . . . And<br> >>one of
them is now required to use a portion of that valuable time<br> >>providing security to 1150 North Polk Extension?"<br> >><br> >>Just a quick glance at the pole-leece's page<br> >>( and their daily activity log (check<br> >>the menu on the left), it looks like the cops are spending a lot of time<br> >>around the 800 block of North Garfield. Maybe some 'higher-up" in the<br> >>Kirk lives there too? I would venture to guess that it's all kinds of<br> >>people "abusing" our police force, CC and non-CC alike.<br> >><br> >>And I would also venture to guess that the "two cops on duty" is during<br> >>the slow hours.<br> >><br> >>But that's just me, doing all kinds of venturing,<br> >><br> >>DC<br> >><br> >><br> >>=====================================================<br> >> List services made available by First Step Internet,<br>
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